View Full Version : speed limit

01-25-2011, 04:05 PM
Can't seem to find it, but is it possible to adjust the speed limit due to the time/day?
like.... M-F:800KB/sec and Sat-Sun:1400KB/sec

01-25-2011, 10:01 PM
At the moment there isn't an easy way to do this. It is possible through the use of the "site config" command (which is how ioGUI modifies the global bw, but which is now disabled by default as a security precaution) or direct modification of the file externally and "site config rehash" to load the new settings. If used by a script called from the scheduler this would do it. However, I suggest looking into tools like NetLimiter, BWMeter, etc which would be far easier to use and more flexible.

01-29-2011, 03:51 PM
OK. I'll check those out. thanks for the reply:)