View Full Version : Download Speeds really bad!

01-23-2011, 06:36 AM
Ive come here to see if any kind person can help me towards getting my download speed on the ftp sorted as i dont seem to be getting anywhere.

Firstly before i had any issues i was averaging around 590kbps download speed, now when i get up in a morning at around 7am the speeds start at 590 ish then slowly drop every 15 minutes or so until i get to a pathetic 15kbps within a couple of hour.

Ive been in touch with my isp and had a bt engineer check my line and all is super duper, i can even download from a torrent site with full speeds constantly. My isp say they have done different checks and nothing is wrong there end, theres no congestion, no line issues but i still get this problem.

Ive uninstalled my flash and reinstalled with the latest upgrade, my pc is pretty new which had no issues.

Can my isp filter FTP's and slow it down and if so why dont the tech help tell me this?

thanks john

01-23-2011, 02:48 PM
It sounds like your ISP is throttling transfers per connection. Your tech won't help you since he isn't aware of this, because usually this is implemented at ISP's datacenter and nobody but higher-ups and 'need to know' people know about it. Or he knows about this throttling but isn't allowed to talk about it.

the reason why your torrent transfers are not affected is probably because with bittorrent you are transferring to/from multiple peers at once and is constantly cycling through different peers.

Use bigstar's http://trvx.com/itrafficmonitor/ to monitor your transfer speeds with different protocols as a proof that your ISP is throttling your connection. It's the same code that is in FlashFXP's transfer graph but monitors everything, not just ftp. Also see if you can find other users of your ISP that experience similar problems. See if there's a forum for your isp at http://www.dslreports.com/forums/all?open=1

01-28-2011, 03:10 AM
Your tech won't help you since he isn't aware of this, because usually this is implemented at ISP's datacenter and nobody but higher-ups and 'need to know' people know about it. Or he knows about this throttling but isn't allowed to talk about it

thanks for the reply, so apart from monitoring which they wont accept as its not through BT, how else can i get through to these people in the tech department if they cant help? looks like were stuck with no solution?

01-28-2011, 08:18 AM
collect as much proof as you can and then "go public" with it to expose this issue. keep posting on twitter, relevant blogs, consumer advocacy websites, etc etc
and/or write a really good letter documenting your situation and do "executive email carpet bombing", in other words collect as many email addresses of management/execs/supervisors/public relations department as you can and email all of them at once. take a look at http://consumerist.com/how-to/eecbs/ and http://consumerist.com/how-to/executive-customer-service/