View Full Version : Share sites.dat

10-05-2010, 08:21 AM
Hey there,

we bought FlashFXP recently for 3 workplaces.
Now we'd like to share our sites including their preferences with each other.

We choose custom settings path during installation, but this option shares _everything_, including settings which should be seperate for each one. (language, view, preferences,..)

Is there any other method to only share the sites?
The best thing would be if we could choose the location of the "sites.dat" in the options. Is there something like that?

Thank you.

10-05-2010, 10:31 AM
You can define individual locations for each data file via the windows registry

On Windows 32bit

On Windows 64bit the location would be


Create a new string value and name it "sites.dat" without quotes and then set the value to the location where you want to store the shared "sites.dat" file, include the path only, i.e. "d:\data\flashfxp\" again without quotes.

This has been throughly tested with FlashFXP v4.0 RC2, however using this method may not work with FlashFXP v3.6.

10-05-2010, 10:42 AM
Thanks for the quick reply.
We're going to test this in the next days and let you know how it went.

Are there any plans to make something like this available directly through the preferences-UI? Would be nice :)

10-05-2010, 02:47 PM
This is intended as an administrative configuration option that must be added under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and as such cannot be changed directly by FlashFXP.

It could be done as a registry (.reg) import file and imported on the computers where this configuration is needed.

10-13-2010, 12:14 PM

I just realised I forgot to let you know how it went.

We now have the sites.dat on the server and built two .reg-Files (x86 & x64) for importing the path of the sites.dat. It works.

Just to understand it: Could FlashFXP change this value if it was started as an admin?
If yes, you could make it an option and just grey in out in the options if FlashFXP was started normally.

10-13-2010, 03:41 PM
We do not plan to incorporate system administrator functionality directly within FlashFXP.

We do however plan on making a separate stand alone program to make it easier for administrators to change these settings.

This program will be released sometime after v4.0 final.