View Full Version : Expand all folders before transfer?

01-10-2010, 06:02 AM
I have hunted through the preferences but have been unable to find this, I really hope I am just being blind here....

Is there a way to make FlashFXP automatically traverse all queued folders and get a full directory listing before it starts transferring any of the files when a dir is added to the queue?
This would enable Flash to produce a much more accurate estimated time remaining for the queue, and allow me to see a more realistic overview of my progress.

In the above, the queue will currently only show 'Folder1, Folder3' until it starts transferring; at which point it will expand Folder1 and then Folder2, transfer File.one and File.two, then expand Folder3 before transferring the last file.

The behaviour I want is for it to expand all the folders before it transfers any files, then start the transfer only once all possible folders in the queue have been expanded and their contents learned.

If there is currently no way to do this, please consider this a feature request.

edit: I should add that the '<folder in queue>right click/Advanced/Expand [All] Folders' options are frequently greyed out for me, but even if it worked I would still like the ability to make this permanent.
Is this function disabled for some reason on SFTP connections? (90% of how I use FlashFXP)
I know it's disabled by design on upload, but I am seeing this on a download queue

01-10-2010, 01:07 PM
Expand Folders only works with downloads. It shouldn't be disabled unless the selection disallows the operation.

It should work with SFTP or FTP. However the public beta on the website is extremely buggy, I am working to get an update out asap.

There is a newer one available to beta testers, the only requirement is that you must own a FlashFXP license, if you do contact me to get on the team!