View Full Version : How To: Recover your lost license key

05-02-2009, 08:53 AM
The fastest way to recover your license key is to log into the customer portal, from the customer portal you'll have access to your license key. Click here (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/portal/)

If you forgot your customer portal password you can recover it here (https://secure.flashfxp.com//portal/index.php?newpwd)

If your email address has changed please contact support. Click here (https://secure.flashfxp.com/pages/en.contact.php)

When contacting support please include the following information so that we can promptly update your account.

1. Your old and new email addresses.
2. The name on the license key.
3. Your FlashFXP Serial number. This can be obtained from within FlashFXP via the main menu, click Help > About.