View Full Version : Why can't I see any files? I can see them in other ftp clients

05-01-2009, 05:23 PM
Data Connection Error
If FlashFXP is unable to establish a data connection it will fail retrieve the file listing. This can usually be identified by a List Error

If your using Passive mode and the server is behind a firewall you may need to switch to PORT mode, this is done by unchecking "Use Passive Mode" for the site In the Site Manager.
Note: Passive mode connections are outgoing to the server.

If your using PORT mode ("Use Passive Mode" unchecked) and behind a firewall, you need to make sure you've setup the proper port forwarding rules so that the incoming connection from the server can connect to FlashFXP.
Note: Port mode connections are incoming connections to FlashFXP.

Hidden files
Another possibility is that the files are hidden and your current FlashFXP configuration prevents you from seeing hidden files. You can show hidden files by checking the option "Show hidden files" for the site in the Site Manager. Some servers will not show hidden files when "Use MLSD to list directory" is checked for the site in the Site Manager, In order to see hidden files on these servers you'll need to uncheck this option.

Note: some sites don't allow you to view hidden files and will result in an error. To resolve this issue you'll need to uncheck the "show hidden files" option.