View Full Version : ioFTPD v6.9.3 beta released

04-02-2009, 01:12 PM
As you've probably noticed the people who host the forum managed to loose months worth of posts. DOH! Anyway, here's the ChangeLog entries so they can be searched by the forum and you can access the link to the latest version.

Quick Known issues:
1) A few %1T color messages are still in a few replies, all are fixed in an upcoming release.
2) Messages files that including things like the transfer status update contain an ANSI reset control code at the end of the line that some clients don't remove and thus it looks bad. Fixed in next release.
3) Stability problems with the lockup bug seem to be significantly higher on w2k3 servers. I don't have any confirmed reports on other window's flavors based upon logs sent to me so XP/Vista/w2k8 from my experience seem OK. In fact, on my single core XP machine I have never had the lockup bug hit.

Latest Version:
ioFTPD-v6.9.3.zip (http://home.comcast.net/~yil/ioFTPD-v6.9.3.zip)

04-02-2009, 01:13 PM
v6.9.0 Release Notes:

1) Files in \System:
Changed : ioFTPD.[exe,pdb] - Version
Changed : ioFTPD.ini - summary of changes by section...
[Any] : Added Feature_Suppression.
[THEME] : HUGE new section added! HUGE!

2) Files in \text\ftp (just save you Welcome file and replace everything else)
Changed : [AllDn, AllUp, WkDn, WkUp, MonthDn, MonthUp, DayDn, DayUp].Header
[AllDn, AllUp, WkDn, WkUp, MonthDn, MonthUp, DayDn, DayUp].Body
[AllDn, AllUp, WkDn, WkUp, MonthDn, MonthUp, DayDn, DayUp].Footer
ClientInfo.[Common, Download, Idle, List, Login, Upload]
ClientList.[Header, Download, Idle, List, Login, Upload, Footer]
GroupInfo.[Body, Header]
GroupList.[Body, Header]
UserInfo.[Header, Section, Footer]
UserList.[Header, Body, Footer]
Who.[Header, Download, Idle, List, Upload, Footer]
Added : Color
Deleted : ServerStatus

3) Files in \doc:
Changed : Cookies.txt

4) Files in \users:
Changed : Default.User

*** New Features:

5) New site command (site color {on|default|off} [theme]).

Some FTP clients support using ANSI color control codes to change the
foreground/background colors of text in server output. Colors can make
things look nicer and also helps you to interpet and understand replies
better. Colors in output help by highlighting specific pieces of
information, allow for the consistent use of colors to visually represent
success, errors, unit differences such KB/MB/GB/TB for speeds and sizes,
or to just make things look really cool.

NOTE: FTP clients that supports colors don't always support both
foreground and background colors at the same time (FlashFXP for instance).
Therefore the default configurations only change the foreground color.

Because different colors look better against different backgrounds, and
people have different tastes, you can choose from a number of "themes"
below. Each should color and format output differently. Try a few until
you find the one you like best.

To see the current settings and to get a list of available themes use
"site color".
To enable a particular theme use: "site color on <theme-#>".
To set a theme permanently which will automatically enable it during
login use "site color default <theme-#>".
To disable color support: "site color off".

By default I've offered 4 themes. One for users with a light colored
background (like white/cream) and others with a dark or black background.
For each of those backgrounds I offer the option of colorized output for
just site commands like users/uinfo/groups/stats/etc and some error
messages which I presume everyone will use who can. The other enables
colors for transfer status messages and a few other things.

6) Extensive changes were made to the text/ftp directory to colorize the
output. In general columns are color coded to make them stand out,
and instead of reporting everything in fixed sizes like KB or MB
everything uses the new 3digit formatter (which chooses KB/MB/GB/TB
automatically) when color mode is enabled and often even when it isn't.
Some highlights of changes are:

site users: user flag field now colored to distinguish between regular
users, group admins, siteops, and master accounts.
site users: the last field now displays one of: account status (deleted/
expired), user's tagline, or their home directory and each
is done in a different color. Previously it just showed
account status or home dir.
site uinfo: The user flag field is flag sensitive, it now reports errors
for G flag without admingroups defined or admingroups without
the G flag, missing/unknown info is highlighted, and in color
mode all sizes/speeds use the new 3digit formatter.
site ginfo: flags now colored to distinguish between regular users, group
admins, siteops, and master accounts. The new GAdmin column
indicates if the user is a groupadmin of the group or if
there is an error in the groupadmin settings.
site groups : just colorized
site who : "*" now prefixes your CID in the list, uploader/downloader/
idler lines colored differently, speeds auto-sized/colored
site swho : "*" now prefixes your CID in the list, uploader/downloader/
idler lines colored differently, speeds auto-sized/colored
site swho cid: colorized, and uses new uinfo header
site stats alldn/dayup/... : auto-sized transfer stats

TransferComplete: moved fields around, colored, auto-sized/colored added,
if free space measured in MB or KB color it red

7) New super cookie ( %[C(color#)] ). Set foreground and/or background
color explicitely. While %[C(0)] is used everywhere to reset the colors
to their defaults, other uses of this cookie are probably limited to a
handful of places like the new Color message file.

Foreground colors codes:
0 = Reset colors to default
1 = Black
2 = Red
3 = Green
4 = Yellow
5 = Blue
6 = Magenta
7 = Cyan
8 = White

Background color codes: (x=0 -> keep foreground, else set as above)
1x = Black
2x = Red
3x = Green
4x = Yellow
5x = Blue
6x = Magenta
7x = Cyan
8x = White

NOTE: A 0 by itself means reset colors to the user's default, but 10 would
mean a black background but use whatever the current foreground color
Example: 51 means black lettering against a blue background, and a 4 means
yellow lettering against the user's default background.

8) New super cookie ( %[T(index#)] ). Using the user's current active theme
lookup the color code to use for the given index. Color codes are the
same as %[C()] with the addition of -1 which means don't change anything.

The problem with choosing specific colors ends up assuming the user is
using a black background. Because ANSI only offers 8 colors and not all
are equally readable on a white background, and even if legible may not
look "pretty" or "cool", everybody cannot be happy all the time. To solve
the look and feel issue I have introduced the notion of themes. Instead
of assigning a specific color to a piece of information, you can use
%[T(#)] to force a lookup of a color in a table and users can choose
which table of colors they wish to use. Thus you can create a theme for
users with black backgrounds and another for white backgrounds, one that
has just a single highlight color and another for those who want lots of
color. While users cannot define their own theme, you can define multiple
in the configuration file and let them choose the one they like.

9) New super cookie ( %[R(index)] ). This cookie is similar to %[T()] except
that instead of inserting a color change request at the current position,
it scans backwards looking for the first non-space character and inserts
the change there. This is primarily useful when you have set a background
color and have inserted a left justified field with a minimum width. In
that case you may not want all the padding to be drawn in the background
color and this will prevent that. There isn't really a way to do the same
thing at the moment for right justified fields.

10) New super cookie ( %[THEME(name)] ). The THEME super cookie switches to a
a different table of the same theme when processing message files.
This essentially allows us to provide a lot of flexibility in coloring
messages file output from site who or uinfo because we can support
individually colored fields which will consume a lot of theme indexes.
If a single theme definition had hundreds of entries it would be really
difficult to manage and/or re-use. Thus files that use lots of indexes
can define a subtheme in the config file.

11) The internal string formatter now supports the %[-]\dT directive. With
a negative number it acts like %[C()], 0 as %[C(0)], and a positive
number like %[T()].

12) New ioFTPD.ini section ([Themes]).
Themes are defined as consecutive numbers starting from 1 and start with
a one word identifier for the theme, followed by a list of numbers (up
to 150 of them) which represent colors or formatting choices. ioFTPD
offers you the option to really customize how things look so the list
can be long. Don't worry though, it's really easy to modify stuff since
you shouldn't have to edit any of the text/ftp/* files unless you want
to. Subthemes are defined like 1_UserInfo which is the theme table to
use for theme #1 when a message file requests a switch to the "UserInfo"

13) The size specifier for the following super cookies has been changed or
supported add for: %[Free], %[Credits], %[SharedCredits], %[Speed], all
stat cookies such as %[AllDn]/%[DayUp]/etc, %[who(TotalSpeed)],
%[who(TransferSpeed)], %[who(FileSize)], %[who(UpSpeed)], and
%[who(DnSpeed)] Previously you could choose from kilo, mega, or giga.
Now the complete format is as follows:

SIZE: [+]{ kilo | mega | giga | tera |
auto[unit][index] | 3digit[unit][index] }
* : If a %[F()] format has been registered use that instead of the
rest of the given arguments.
+ : Display KB/MB/GB/TB after the output of a kilo|mega|giga|tera
command. auto, 3digit, and any output from * always show the size.
[unit]: { kb | mb | gb | tb }
If a [unit] specifier is provided then use that as the minimum
unit chosen by auto or 3digit.
[index]: A theme index {1 - 150}
Specifies the theme index that represents the start of 4 entries
where each entry describes a color, the first is used for KB,
the second MB, etc.

kilo - format number as specified by cookie in KB's with " KB" appended
if + was specified.
mega - format number as specified by cookie in MB's with " MB" appended
if + was specified.
giga - format number as specified by cookie in GB's with " GB" appended
if + was specified.
tera - format number as specified by cookie in TB's with " TB" appended
if + was specified.

auto - auto-size number to most appropriate unit of KB/MB/GB/TB (subject
to minimum unit requested) and output the number as specified by
the cookie along with the chosen units identifier and color the
output in the appropriate color if a theme index was specified.

auto - auto-size number to most appropriate unit of KB/MB/GB/TB (subject
to minimum unit requested) and output the number as specified by
the cookie along with the chosen units identifier and color the
output in the appropriate color if a theme index was specified.

3digit - Similar to auto in that it finds the best size (subject to
minimum unit requested), but guarantees the output only contains
3 digits (and an optional decimal point). I.e 40.9 MB, 409 MB,
or 4.09 MB but never 41.09 MB.

14) New super cookie ( %[F(index)] ). Set the size auto-formatter to the
format specified in the active theme at index. This super cookie does
not change the output immediately, it just sets the format to be used
for the next cookie if they request it via the * specification to SIZE
arguments used in super cookie formatting.

The theme index should be in the following ranges:
200+Theme = kilo
400+Theme = mega
500+Theme = giga
800+Theme = tera
1000+themeBase = auto-size (min size is KB)
2000+themeBase = auto-size (min size is MB)
3000+themeBase = auto-size (min size is GB)
4000+themeBase = TB
5000+themeBase = 3digit (min size is KB)
6000+themeBase = 3digit (min size is MB)
7000+themeBase = 3digit (min size is GB)
8000+themeBase = 3digit TB

Theme refers to the color to use.
ThemeBase refers to a theme index that represents the start of 4 entries
where each entry describes a color, the first is used for KB, the second
MB, etc. Thus 6080 means use the 3digit formatter, make sure the units
chosen are at least MBs and then lookup the color to use from theme index
80 (unused since MB is min), 81, 82, or 83. If ThemeBase is 0 then don't
apply any color to the output.

NOTE: for these formatting codes to be used, the cookie must specify
a SIZE argument that starts with a *.

15) Modified super cookie ( %[who] ):

The follow all now accept a size argument (defined above).

Two new convenience functions added display the time in the form hh:mm:ss
form while omitting any leading zero fields. Thus 0s or 1:00 or 2:04:03
are valid outputs.

New who function which returns "*" if the connection ID is the same as
the current connection, else "".

16) New super cookie ( %[IsGAdmin] ). While listing users of a group this
cookie will return "*" if the user is a pure group admin of the group,
else "".

17) Directory listings over a passive connection now compute the transfer
speeds for the listing.

18) New ioFTPD.ini feature (Feature_Suppression under devices like [Any]).
You can list the complete FTP FEAT request lines you wish to suppress
here. Since there are two MDTM lines and use MDTM-- to suppress the
plain MDTM response.

19) New UserFile field (Theme). Stores the theme to activate during login
or 0 if themes disabled.

20) New TCL command ([resolve link <path>]). This is similar to [resolve PWD
<path>] in that it returns a real path, except it doesn't resolve the
last part of the path if it's an ioFTPD symbolic link.

21) New TCL command ([resolve VFS <path> [<cwd>]]). Using the current-
working-directory (cwd) if supplied, or else the user's cwd if available
or else "/", return the resolved VFS path provided the user has access
to it. Don't resolve the last part of the path if it's a symbolic link.
This is the ioFTPD VFS resolver!

*** Functionality changes:

22) M accounts are now except from command permission checking so you can
still do things with an incorrectly configured .ini file.

23) The site change sub-commands now default to permission denied so you must
have an explicit entry to allow non-M flagged users to use them.

24) The site uinfo command used to call "UserInfo." files in this order:
Header, Sections (once per section unless total only mode), and then the
Footer. It now calls Header, Sections (once per section unless total
only mode), Totals (unless only 1 section is defined), and then the
Footer. This allows the total lines to be removed in the common case of
just 1 section being defined.

25) All the site stat commands now default to "nozeros" mode which means
no more 0 entries. See Changelog entry #10 from 6.4.0 for more details.

26) ServerStatus message file split into ServerShutdown and ServerClosing
files. When the server was either shutting down or was closed to
non-exempt users the system used to call the ServerStatus message file
which tested for both conditions and printed out the appropriate info.
Now the server just calls the correct file so no testing is required.

*** Bug Fixes:

27) Fixed a serious memory corruption problem in "site who" caused by calling
FreeShared() instead of Free() on two un-shared allocations.

28) Fixed a potentially large memory leak in "site who" and "site swho"
related to not freeing search terms included in the site command or
exclude terms defined in the ioFTPD.ini file. If using site who with
exclusions frequently this could add up over time.

29) Site chgrp and site change admingroup no longer print/log the removing
user from a group message when adding a primary group which the user is
not already a member of.

30) Fixed a problem with 0 byte files being created if no connection was
ever established and the transfer timed out or was aborted. This only
happened if the connection wasn't using SSL as I had previously fixed
that bug and thought I got this one was well.

31) Fixed a problem with the stats cookies (%[alldn], etc) when requesting
summary information across all sections. -1 was being interpretted as
an invalid conversion instead of an argument so instead of summarizing
it was just showing the current section info.

32) Removed "No tagline" from Default.user. With the new site users output
showing the tagline if defined instead of the home directory it makes
sense to not have this set automatically.

33) Fixed trivial memory leak in Device_Load() function called during init
and site rehash.

34) Fixed trivial memory leak during IdDatabase_Init() called during startup.

35) Fixed trivial memory leak in site purge/readd when listing users.

*** Complaints / Outside limitations:

36) I can't return the TransferStatus update summary line during "stat -l"
calls because FlashFXP doesn't handle the output correctly. The
definition says the first line that starts with a number should
terminate the directory listing, which means everything else should
be displayed, but it doesn't show anything.

37) FlashFXP only supports 8 foreground and background colors and doesn't
support things like underline, bold, etc. It also fails to decode
compound ansi control codes which are used when you want to set
more than 1 parameter at a time.

38) FlashFXP only allows you to set either the foreground or the background
color but not both.

04-02-2009, 01:13 PM
v6.9.2 Release Notes:

1) Files in \System:
Changed : ioFTPD.[exe,pdb] - Version

*** Internal changes:

2) Internal TCL unicode conversion buffer in Tcl_IoSetStringObject upgraded
to 4096 bytes by default. It automatically adjusts larger if needed.

3) Errors during string conversion now record errors to SystemError.log file.

04-02-2009, 01:14 PM
v6.9.3 Release Notes:

1) Files in \System:
Changed : ioFTPD.[exe,pdb] - Version
Changed : ioFTPD.ini - summary of changes by section...
[FTP_SITE_Permissions] : Added color = !A *

*** Bug Fixes:

2) Added permissions for regular users to use color command.

3) TCL timer command only accepted a 128 byte string. Now 1500.

4) TCL waitobjects created as a semaphore were actually event objects.

5) TCL waitobject wait command didn't default to 1 event/semaphore so would
wait a random number of times before timing out.

04-02-2009, 01:21 PM
And a quick update on some 6.10 stuff.

I've added a number of new TCL features to support scripting which ioYil will use but are also useful for others. I'm working on rewriting a number of commands such as rename/move to handle merged directories better. I've also added some new features to directory listings to support administrators and merged directories and I've fixed a lot of things that didn't work they way I thought they should. I've played around internally with the directory cache a lot and the .ioFTPD file. Lots of low level stuff to support the changes to virtual dirs and drive spanning but I don't believe either of those features will make it into 6.10. I want to prove the cache changes don't break anything before changing the resolver.

04-04-2009, 10:04 AM
Hi Yil

Hope everything is ok with ya ;)

Several of us who use your latest version v6.9.3 have notice that in systemerror.log file
it appears a msg:
03-22-2009 20:59:56 Error converting string:

and this msg appear for every new uploaded file. so systemerror.log file is kind of a massive one in size with this issue.

Do u know what causes this ?
And if so, will it be fixed in your next version?.

Thanks for taking time to respond...


04-04-2009, 11:57 AM
HiTmE: Should have put that on known issues list. I have no idea why some people see that error. I don't see anything particularly tricky with the strings that are being converted so I'm confused. I'll be taking a look again to see if I can find the problem.

I do need to understand when it happens so I can try to fix it locally. You say it happens with every uploaded file? That should be easy to reproduce. Are these all plain ASCII filenames in English? Any file it doesn't appear to complain about like say .nfo's or .sfv's or something? You using IoNinja and NxTools?

04-04-2009, 12:28 PM
I am using ioNinja v0.8.4, nxtools v1.2.1 with odog tempfix.

According to odog, this has nothing to do with ioNinja.
And it happends with every upload. Every rar/zip file gets an own error in systemerror.log
So if a xvid dir contains 40 files, there is 40 rows of Error converting string:

04-15-2009, 10:24 PM
Anybody using latest nxTools and ioFTPD v6.5+ and using the pre command successfully? I've got a report that it's crashing with a runtime error in some instances but works fine on 6.4. I've got one incomplete stack trace indicating a problem in the nxHelper.dll file which may make sense since it's built against TCL 8.4 and ioFTPD 6.5+ uses TCL 8.5 but it's just the first guess based on the fact it appeared to crash in the dll initialization routine...

05-02-2009, 05:03 AM
Any progress with the lockup bug? Is there any workaround for the "Overlapped I/O operation" message in ssl?

05-02-2009, 07:30 AM
YiL: they're not using the nxtools fix. It's the dll that crashes it when it checks freespace on a drive.

05-03-2009, 06:25 PM
o_dog even i i add the fix it dosent want to pree at all.

site pre tv-xvid TEST.XViD-TEST
(01:20:50) [1] 200-.-[Pre]------------------------------------------------------------------.
(01:20:50) [1] 200 Command successful.

05-06-2009, 08:46 AM
it works here

05-06-2009, 04:37 PM
hmm strange then. need to do a complete reinstall then see if that helps

05-07-2009, 04:54 PM
hmm probably did set something wrong in nxtools, caus now it works.
But it cant find the dated dirs on pre for some reason, and i have checked and double checked all the paths!
Any idea o_dog, if it works for you!?!

05-14-2009, 12:28 AM
this is probably a dumb question (as most of mine are)....

is there a way i can set up io so that when I use site adduser , the added user will have a default ratio of 1:3? (currently, all users added get leech as default)


05-14-2009, 06:21 AM
ratio 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
add that line do your default.user and it should work.

05-14-2009, 10:52 AM
that worked perfectly
thanks man :)

05-14-2009, 01:35 PM
There is no longer a need to edit the file manually although that still works. You can use any of the account modification commands like site change, site chgrp, etc and use "/Default.User" as the username and it will change the file for you. Much easier to do since doing things like giving default credits in a particular section to a user without having to figure out how it should look in the file to manually edit it. The other benefit is all of it can be done in the server itself so remote administration is easier.

Another really cool feature is you can also specify /Default=GroupName to change the defaults for users created into that group via site gadduser. Users later added to the group aren't affected so it would have to be via gadduser. One trick you may find useful if you do that is to create a few aliases under [FTP_Custom_Commands] like "addop = @gadduser SiteOp". Now you can do "site addop Fred <password> <ips>" and since you are adding that user right into the SiteOp group the user would already have whatever defaults you wanted for them like the 1 flag, leech, etc and obviously their primary group would be SiteOp already. The site groups command should indicate which groups have been "customized" which means they have a /Default=GroupName file with options different than /Default=User.

05-15-2009, 02:24 AM
ah cool, this is good to know. it's helpful for some other questions i had as well.

thanks man :)

05-16-2009, 07:32 AM
Guess i am not up do date, been a few years since i used ioFTPD. Thanks for information Yil.
Oldschool i guess :P

05-16-2009, 08:09 AM
Hi Yil

Is it possible, maybe in future version, to encrypt the ioftpd.log and xferlog file with an own password setting ?


05-16-2009, 10:58 AM
run it on encrypted drive, use something like truecrypt

05-16-2009, 02:44 PM
HiTmE: I've thought about encryption at the file level but it's tricky. First off, I strongly suggest anyone interested in encryption do what o_dog suggests and create a small truecrypt container and just put the entire configuration inside. This is much better because it also protects the userfiles. You can also encrypt the drives with data, but given the really low bandwidth of the ioFTPD directory itself there is no reason not to at least do that. You could also enable NTFS encryption on top and adjust the permissions so no system services can view/index stuff.

The primary problem with internal file encryption is how many things it would break that rely on reading the logfiles. Every bot, for instance, relies on ioFTPD.log. At some point in the future perhaps ioYil will get information via a pipe or something, but for the moment it's just not going to happen.

On the other hand, with the IP/host masking features and the Hide_Xfer_Host option there should be no IP addresses in the files if you configure it that way. Thus encrypting the userfiles makes more sense. However, I'm sure I can't do better than truecrypt at protecting data so it just makes more sense to encrypt a small filesystem.

05-17-2009, 07:31 AM
one could encrypt it using blowfish and make the bot decode the logfile. Not that hard. But there is no point to it really, truecrypt will always be a better option since it's single pupose is to encrypt things, hence it's better at it. And even if you encrypt the log you would still need to save a key locally unless you want some screwed up user interaction, then it's no longer a daemon.

Simple answer is to use truecrypt or bestcrypt. Truecrypt is open source and free so i would suggest that.

05-18-2009, 02:35 PM
Just a quick update: I've got a lot of documenting and a few loose ends to clean up, but I think I got virtual dirs 2.0 working which is what I wanted done before 6.10 could be released. The new virtual dirs are much more powerful and should allow for some really cool things. I'm going to go implement an example using nxTools search like I did for the old implementation just to prove it's really working though. I added this stuff right into the resolvers so it was much more complicated and as a side effect I removed the old implementation hacked into cwd and list which sucked.

So not sure exactly when 6.10 will come out, but the hard part of the next release is done.

05-19-2009, 01:45 AM
I am missing 4 vital site commands. Well vital to me :).
Site wipe (delete is so ugly)
Site new (yes its usefull to list x new dirs)
Site search (self explained)
Site help

Personaly i think those 4 functions should be default for any server but i am sure people dont agree
at all with me on this. Scripts are ofcourse an easy way to extend the features of a server.

Now with no access to any old scripts anyone got a clue how i can fix this?
Also still looking for a command set to import, either for flashfxp or ftprush. If anyone got some to share i'd be happy.

Thanks for your work to keep ioFTPD working. Esp o_dog and Yil :)

05-19-2009, 05:07 AM
you could always look at the forum. Ad no I do NOT agree with you, scripts work just fine for all of that. If you want built in crap there are other alternatives out there. Raidenftpd etc. This is a small basic ftp server with script support.

05-19-2009, 09:30 AM
Giant: site help is definitely needed... All the other features you mentioned are probably solved by nxTools which you can grab from the forum and hopefully ioYil in the future :)

05-19-2009, 09:31 AM
why is site help needed? there are 3 or four script taking care of it. No need to add it.

05-19-2009, 06:05 PM

i was wondering if there is a native io ban command?

i have tried
'site ban <user> <time> <rsn>'
as well as
'site bans add <ip>'

what am i doing wrong?

thanks in advance.

05-19-2009, 06:20 PM
Sorry, at the moment the only way to get on the auto-ban list is to be, well, auto-banned and it's based on your actual IP address. I.e. no hostmasks. You can list/delete IP bans via site bans and I don't see a reason why I couldn't add a site bans add command but it wouldn't do hostmasks. You can ban hostmasks via the Hosts.Rules file and rehash but there is no way to do that outside a script. This probably needs to be re-written as I don't like it either...

You can however "delete" a user and not purge them which will disable the account. As long as people don't go around doing purge * this will work. I've thought about adding an optional user flag to ban a user without the risk of them being purged which would use the delete message as the ban message to show a user. That shouldn't be too hard to do. As an optional measure you can use ioDELUSER script which does just this.

05-20-2009, 01:32 AM
thanks for the response,
to my knowledge ioDELUSER is no longer available, because site deluser/purge/bans was added to io.

Although, If you could somehow script something, into the next version of io, that would allow for a ban with a defined time and reason for ban, and an unban of course, without having to edit the config and host.rules, that would be great.

something like:
'SITE BAN <user> <time> <reason>'
(would ban user based on last used ip or something of that nature, and when they try to log in they would see '<reason>').
'SITE UNBAN <user>'

not sure if you would be willing to add this in the next version of io, i'm not sure about the demand for a feature like this, but as you mentioned: using the deluser flag is risky incase someone accidentally purges. In anycase, i hope to see it added, and if not, no worries.

thanks again for the reply :)

05-25-2009, 09:11 AM
426 Connection closed: Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.

How can this be avoided?

05-25-2009, 10:57 AM
people are trying to download a file that is beeing uploaded? if so, skip 0byte files and I think there is a setting in ioftpd that keeps the file size of the file to 0 until it's done, not sure about that one though, might be default behavior.

05-25-2009, 02:04 PM
pion: The post explaining the "Overlapped I/O operation in progress" error message got lost in the server crash, but here's some info on it. When SSL negotiation fails ioFTPD forces the data connection closed and as a side effect that error message is generated. I really should find a way to have it spit out something SSL related...

I've attempted to examine a few instances where that error has occurred for me and here's the result. If ioFTPD is acting in a server role such as when you connect to the server, or it sends the SSL cert during fxp everything works fine. If however it acts as a client and receives a cert it may reject it because it's invalid (expired and/or name mismatch). To me that is perfectly valid behavior. However, lots of people setup drftp sites and install it's default "drftpd" cert which expired in 2004 and obviously doesn't match the host or slave IP/hostname and get this error as a result...

I originally configured the server to be picky to prevent spoofing and replay attacks. I haven't tested it yet, but I'm going to allow a configuration option to be more forgiving for data connections and hopefully that should solve the problem.

As a workaround you can configure "alternate fxp" methods in Flash or Rush to make ioFTPD act in the server role and that solves the problem. After changing the alternate fxp settings in Flash you will need to logout of BOTH sites before trying again since it won't issue another SSCN to change the roles.

05-28-2009, 11:36 AM
I'm aware of the "fix" - however having client fix a server generated error message isn't really an optimal behaviour :P

Another thing; the error message is really not explaining what is wrong..
Another example of weird error message is when client doesn't have ip added.. the error displayed then is "Invalid Password", even if there's a valid log entry. I suppose you could defend that one with avoiding attacks, but I'd love to have an option to use a more explaining error message.. I find it fairly unlikely that an attacker manages to get a valid username AND password without getting banned for hammering first...

05-28-2009, 03:54 PM
pion: you can already do that...

# Set this to True to display "Your IP/hostname is not authorized" instead
# of the generic "Invalid Password" error message if a user tries to login
# to an account but doesn't match any of the hostmasks.
;Show_HostMask_Error = True

Just uncomment it by removeing the ; to activate.

06-15-2009, 06:08 AM
Any ETA at ioYiL script en new ioFTPD?

Did expect it months ago by now :p

06-16-2009, 01:02 AM
6.10 isn't too far away. It will contain a whole lot of changes, and a bunch of non-visible support for the rest of the stuff that will end up in 6.11 which will finish up the requirements I wanted for ioYil in the server itself.

06-16-2009, 07:29 AM
plz make sure that the new changes don't break support for any older scripts.

06-16-2009, 01:30 PM
6.10 isn't too far away. It will contain a whole lot of changes, and a bunch of non-visible support for the rest of the stuff that will end up in 6.11 which will finish up the requirements I wanted for ioYil in the server itself.

Sounds great to me :D

06-25-2009, 10:09 AM
thanks for the post.....
sales tracking software (http://salestrackingsoftware.org)

06-27-2009, 11:05 AM
Got some time and been working hard this week... Been working on tracking down memory leaks by trying to cleanup everything during shutdown so it's easy to spot the problems. While testing I had that annoying Overlapped I/O error hit me and decided to track it down... Turns out during the handshake the function that does all the work can return an empty token at one point and that's a valid possibility. Not sure why, but evidently Java's SSL implementation seems to trigger that case more often. Knowing that I think I fixed the problem and we can all rejoice soon.

07-06-2009, 10:12 AM
I didn't get the next release out last week like I hoped, but that's because I stumbled across a few potentially severe problems and fixed them! I'm not sure, but it's possible this may solve the lockup bug... Good stuff. I'm writing up the latest changes / new features now and have a little more testing to do so keep an eye out for what I believe will be v7.0 based on all the file changes required and the TCL library upgrades as well.