View Full Version : How do I show folder/file attributes?

03-25-2009, 05:59 AM
That column is always blank when I connect to a FTP server. Can someone tell me how to show file and folder attributes please?

03-25-2009, 06:54 AM
Perhaps the ftp server doesn't support displaying the folder attributes.

Can you please provide a copy of the raw directory, this can be obtained via the "Directory" menu.

03-25-2009, 08:25 AM
Thanks Bigstar

Type=cdir;Modify=20090324144403;Perm=ceflmp;Unique =ABIAAPulHwAAAAAA; /forum
Type=pdir;Modify=20090324103624;Perm=ceflmp;Unique =ABIAAB/WfQAAAAAA; ..
Type=dir;Modify=20090323131214;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAAqmHwAAAAAA; admincp
Type=dir;Modify=20090320192007;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAFCmHwAAAAAA; archive
Type=dir;Modify=20090320192049;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAFSmHwAAAAAA; clientscript
Type=dir;Modify=20090320192134;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAJymHwAAAAAA; cpstyles
Type=dir;Modify=20090320192137;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAPemHwAAAAAA; customavatars
Type=dir;Modify=20090320192140;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAPumHwAAAAAA; customgroupicons
Type=dir;Modify=20090320192142;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAP+mHwAAAAAA; customprofilepics
Type=dir;Modify=20090324130911;Perm=ceflmp;Unique= ABIAAAGnHwAAAAAA; images

By the way the attributes show if I use WinSCP to connect.

03-25-2009, 03:05 PM
when you connect with winscp, are you using ftp or sftp protocol?

03-25-2009, 04:50 PM
It looks like the MLSD reply doesn't include the file permissions, if it did it would be in the form of "UNIX.mode="

Typically this parameter is excluded on FTP servers where the attributes are meaningless, such as Windows based FTP servers.

What you can try doing is uncheck the option "Use MLSD to list directory" in the Site Manager, this will fall back to the regular LIST method, this method doesn't make the attributes optional so they will be shown.

03-26-2009, 03:07 AM
when you connect with winscp, are you using ftp or sftp protocol?

ftp, sftp didn't want to work for me.

It looks like the MLSD reply doesn't include the file permissions, if it did it would be in the form of "UNIX.mode="

Typically this parameter is excluded on FTP servers where the attributes are meaningless, such as Windows based FTP servers.

What you can try doing is uncheck the option "Use MLSD to list directory" in the Site Manager, this will fall back to the regular LIST method, this method doesn't make the attributes optional so they will be shown.

Thanks! That now shows the attributes. In case you're interested the ftp server is running on NetBSD with Apache.