View Full Version : Translation Pack v1.8.2

03-18-2009, 01:43 AM
Download Language Package (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/?d=159) (includes English Template)
Download Translation Editor (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/?d=160)


1. Open the TsiLang Files Editor
2. Load the English.sib located in the "LangPack.zip" file
3. Select the first form (TFrmABM), then select Captions
4. From the menu Tools, select Add Language
5. Type in the language name, if dutch, type "dutch"
(A new column will appear to the right of the English Columns)

6. Enter the translated text for each English phrase

(when you've completed the translation or when you're done for now)
7. From the menu, File, select Save As, and save the file as your new language using english characters.

*The Captions, Collections, Dialogs, DisplayLabels, Hints, Multilines, Other, Strings all need to be translated.

*Don't translate any character prefixed with %...this text is then later replaced in code.
For example "The folder "%s" does not exist." the %s is replaced with the folder name ("My Folder") and becomes "The folder "My Folder" does not exist."

*You'll notice the ^ character used in some of the text.
For example "%s Folder^, %s File^, %s Total^". The ^ character is converted in code to include "s" if the word is plural (more than one). If the plural translation for the word is different then the best solution is to just leave out the ^

*You'll notice the first letter of some text is underlined. This is for quick keyboard access, and is created by starting the word with an &. We recommend you follow the English translation and prepend your translation with a & when the English translation does.

*You'll notice that some of the text is duplicated, You can manaully translate the duplicates or you can add your translation to the dictionary, once the translated text is in the dictionary it can be used to fill in all the duplicated entries.

*Please try to keep the text case similar to the original.


1. Open the TsiLang Files Editor
2. Load the English.sib located in the "LangPack.zip" file
3. From the menu, File, select Merge
4. Select the file containing your translated language.
5. From the Merge dialog select your language to merge.
6. Click Next
7. "Skip superfluous entries" should be checked
8. Click Finish
9. Now save the template as a new name or overwrite your existing translation file.

Looking at the new template you will see some new translation entries that previously didn't exist in the old template.

Language Download Area -> link (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/languages.php)

Submit your language translation -> Link (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/languages.php?s=Upload)

03-20-2009, 04:29 PM
Due to the server crash we may have lost some of the latest language translations.

If your a language translator please verify that we have the latest version of your translation, if not can you please re-post it to our website.

Thank you very much.


03-20-2009, 08:23 PM
Ouch, ouch, ouch :(.

My condolences for the server crash and the loss of information, really. This is the worst thing that can happen.

I'll do my best to update spanish translation as soon as possible, meanwhile, do you know if the script that checks the uploaded translations is updated to latest FlashFXP version (the 'FlashFXP Build:' field)?.

03-20-2009, 08:34 PM
Spanish translation just uploaded, and tested on FlashFXP v3.7.8 build 1332.

03-25-2009, 07:00 PM
Yes. It should be updated.

In addition I wanted to let everyone know that due to some changes coming there will be one more translation pack update.

Specifically the "File Exists Rules" dialog is being redesigned.

03-30-2009, 10:22 PM
Chinese Simplified translation updated.

04-11-2009, 07:48 AM
Update italian language file (sib file and installer strings)

