View Full Version : Slow FTP uploads to my Xbox

05-09-2008, 09:20 PM

I hope someone will be able to help me solve my long-standing issue with transferring files to my Xbox.

First, some background info. I'm using the latest version of FlashFXP, my dashboard is XBMC (latest T3ch build), and my Xbox is connected to my PC through my Apple Airport Extreme router.

What happens is this: When I attempt to transfer a large file (typically >500MB) to my Xbox the transfer speed will constantly fluctuate between 0.0KB/s and ~2.0MB/s. For example, it might start out at 1.0MB/s and slowly increase until it gets to around the 2MB mark, then it will slowly work its way down to 0.0KB/s -- or around 1MB/s -- and then back up again. The whole process repeats itself until the file finishes, and it doesn't always finish, sometimes it will fail at different points in the transfer.

I've already done some research online. I've made sure passive mode was disabled in the site manager and I also tried adjusting the TCP/IP buffer size to no avail. I also discovered that when I FTP files to my Xbox using Windows Explorer in Windows Vista, it seems to take just as long. Unfortunately, it doesn't report the speed. I don't have another PC to try it from.

Any ideas what could be causing my problem? Thanks in advance.

05-10-2008, 01:45 AM
That sounds to me like a physical issue rather then a software issue, simply because you tried another ftp client try looking at things like cables, nic cards, ports, maybe even router itself or the way its configured

try also doing a ftp tranfer to another pc see if problem persists.

if you also allways found this problem to be true with your xbox it could even be an issue with te way you "customized" your xbox in order to have XBMC running... but then again this is not the place to discuss that.

05-10-2008, 02:59 AM
connect xbox directly to pc and try file trasnfer.

05-10-2008, 12:44 PM
Which version/build of FlashFXP are you using? There's a possible issue with 3.6 where the displayed speed isn't correct, you need to take a look at the final speed once the transfer has completed to determine if there is in fact a speed calculation issue. You might also use an external network graphing app such as ras graph & stats http://www.trvx.com/rasgs/

05-10-2008, 04:40 PM
I solved my problem. I apologize, but I neglected to mention that I had two 10/100 switches between my router and Xbox - I thought they were innocuous. My network configuration hasn't changed in many years, but I've upgraded both my PC and Xbox several times, so that lead to believe it was more a software issue. Anyway, all I had to do to fix my problem was unplug my PC from my first switch and plug it directly into the router. I now upload at a consistent rate of 10MB/s. :)

Let me explain my setup in case someone else has the same issues. I have one 4-port switch that connects to my router and another one next to my entertainment system that piggybacks off it.


I unplugged my PC from switch #1 and plugged it directly into an open port on the router. So now my PC connects to the Xbox through the router. Strangely, if I were to bypass router #1 altogether, my upload speed drops by about half (maybe a nice networking guru can explain to me why that is). What perplexes me is that this seemed to transpire after I installed a bigger HDD in my Xbox.

In case you're wondering why I have two switches, well, at one time I had several people living with me.

Thanks for all your suggestions. I should've done more troubleshooting on my own before posting, but hopefully this thread will help someone else.

05-11-2008, 01:00 AM
Those ports on the back of the router are in fact a switch as well so you had 3 switches really in between your pc and your xbox. Too many in my opinion.