View Full Version : FXP site to site transfer progress bar

03-03-2008, 09:14 AM
Hi, I would like to know if there is a setting to go back to the old way of showing fxp file progress. (Based on last file speed.)
I find the yellow bar annoying and also the file progress takes a while to show total time of que as it wants to figure out the average of a few files transfered.
I have looked in the settings but can't find anything about turning it off.
Appreciate any help in this.

03-03-2008, 11:07 AM
i think flashfxp estimate transfer speed if it takes more than 3 seconds. it's more accurate than the old way...

03-03-2008, 04:24 PM
The way the estimated fxp transfer speed has changed is that many ftp servers have different speeds in different directions and that is what we've changed, if you transfer from left to right the average is kept seperately from a right to left transfer, we've also changed it so that if you disconnect from one site and connect to another the average is reset, that way its not using the average from the previous site.

This behavior can not be turned off or changed.

We looked for input on these changes during the beta period and everyone who took part in the beta testing enjoyed the changes.

03-04-2008, 03:57 AM
Thanks for your answers.

I don't know exactly if my point came across. As i do not understand your answer (I apologize). I will try again:

I only use flash for fxp from site to site. Normaly if i start fxp transfer after one file is fxp'd over i see the total que time it will take for the rest of the files to be fxp'd.
Now that i have upgraded when i fxp i see a yellow bar trying to estimate how much KB/s the file is going from site to site. (there is no way flash can know this, so it's an estimation based on the average of a few files i guess)
thing is that i want to know the estimation based on the file i just transfered. like it always was before this change. If i FXP a few files from a stable consistent connection and would get 1000KB/s flash now takes more then 3 to 4 files to get to an approx of the time needed for the que. In the mean time flash shows me slower speeds in the progress bar which effect the total que time.

To bad that it's not an option that can be turned off. As it's really annoying to me. my issue is that in the old way i could see immediately after one file an estimation of how long it would take for me to fxp the files (based on last file transfered). now i have to wait for several files before i have a reasonable estimate. this of course take a lot more time. plus the yellow bar can never be as accurate as the ftp bar. Which i totally accept and understand so i don't see the reasoning for not having it as an option.This way i have to do the calculation instead of flash if i want a quick answer.

I have never seen a memo or a fax regarding this change. I only experienced it en every time i did an upgrade i went back to my old version. This has been going on for a wile now so i thought i look here for an answer in the forum.
Is it possible for me to add it as a feature/bug request? for later versions.

Thanks again,

03-04-2008, 03:51 PM
This actually sounds like a bug, because it shouldn't be like this and it doesn't sound right at all.

I am currently out of town and I'm unable to dig deeper into this issue at the moment, As soon as I get back I will take a closer look at this issue and get back to you.

03-05-2008, 12:02 AM
Thank you.