View Full Version : Pure-FTPd & Flashfxp Upload Timeouts

02-16-2008, 02:16 PM
I'm having this very strange timeout problem when uploading to a Pure-FTPd with flashfxp.
I've tried both passive and port mode. In both cases Flashfxp times out at exactly 45 seconds in, reconnects to the server, and resumes, repeat. see server side log:
Feb 15 17:26:57 box155 pure-ftpd: (?@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] dubstepr is now logged in
Feb 15 17:26:58 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [NOTICE] Restarting at 20922368
Feb 15 17:27:44 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] Timeout (no new data for 900 seconds)
Feb 15 17:27:46 box155 pure-ftpd: (?@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] dubstepr is now logged in
Feb 15 17:27:47 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [NOTICE] Restarting at 31244288
Feb 15 17:28:33 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] Timeout (no new data for 900 seconds)
Feb 15 17:28:35 box155 pure-ftpd: (?@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] dubstepr is now logged in
Feb 15 17:28:36 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [NOTICE] Restarting at 41918464
Feb 15 17:29:22 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] Timeout (no new data for 900 seconds)
Feb 15 17:29:25 box155 pure-ftpd: (?@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] dubstepr is now logged in
Feb 15 17:29:25 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [NOTICE] Restarting at 52568064
Feb 15 17:30:11 box155 pure-ftpd: (dubstepr@xxx.194.108.81) [INFO] Timeout (no new data for 900 seconds)

Now at first i blamed it on the Pro-ftpd server because i consider flashfxp to be a god. BUT when i tested out the same file transfer from the same computer but using Filezilla instead i got faster transfer rates, and NO 45 second time-outs for the whole upload (2.2GB file).

Flash Version 3.1.14 (build 1078) - Windows XP - SP2
Any suggestions?

02-16-2008, 03:36 PM
First off you should probably upgrade to v3.4 final or v3.6 beta (I'd recommend v3.6 beta though), both of these versions will provide you with better results than from v3.1.

if that doesn't help can you post the ftp session log from FlashFXP.

02-16-2008, 04:10 PM
Heres the test results from uploading a 2.2 GB file, i got tired of waiting for the file to complete transfer so this is just a snipet of the logs.
One interesting note (besides the timeouts) is that with FileZilla i'm getting speeds 800KB/s+
And with FlashFXP i get speeds around 250kB/s what gives?
And the timeout thing is just a total mystery to me, seems like its totally client side to me cause it doesn't happen with FileZilla, but regardless, heres a server configuration file:

ChrootEveryone yes
BrokenClientsCompatibility no
MaxClientsNumber 50
Daemonize yes
MaxClientsPerIP 8
VerboseLog no
DisplayDotFiles yes
AnonymousOnly no
NoAnonymous no
SyslogFacility ftp
DontResolve yes
MaxIdleTime 15
ExtAuth /var/run/ftpd.sock
LimitRecursion 2000 8
AnonymousCanCreateDirs no
MaxLoad 4
AntiWarez yes
Umask 133:022
MinUID 100
AllowUserFXP no
AllowAnonymousFXP no
ProhibitDotFilesWrite no
ProhibitDotFilesRead no
AutoRename no
AnonymousCantUpload no
MaxDiskUsage 99
CustomerProof yes

02-16-2008, 04:12 PM
Oh i didn't noticed you edit your original comments while i was preparing those logs. I'll test out 3.6 beta but i'm not interested in buying it if its going to have the same problem(s) as 3.1

[edit] just tested out the 3.6 beta, got significantly better upload speeds, but the 45 second timeout bug still exists. see attachment for new log

02-16-2008, 06:04 PM
enable send noop during transfer. that will solve your timeout problem.

ffxp 3.4 have been out for more than a year already, and you are still using, which means you are way past your evaluation trial.

02-16-2008, 06:14 PM
This isn't about 3.1 anymore, I'm using the beta 3.6 in trial mode. I'm much more wealthy than i was years ago when i first tried flashfxp, actually willing to buy it if you guys fix this timeout bug.

I enabled the send noop during transfer, didn't fix problem, still disconnects at exactly 45 seconds.
How often do those noops get sent?

EDIT: try the test login yourselves, perhaps would be an easier way to figure this out.
login: test
pass: flashfxp
host: dubstepradio.com
port: 21

02-17-2008, 12:53 AM
I was unable to reproduce the timeout problem with that ftp server, but I suspect I know the cause. Your router probably have very strict NAT (network address translations) or TCP idle timeout value, and the timeout is probably 45 seconds.

The noops are sent every 45 seconds, it can be changed via an INI setting if you want to test a lower value

under [proxy] add

where 45 is the value you want.

[23:36:10] STOR test512
[23:36:10] 150 Accepted data connection
[23:58:11] 226-File successfully transferred
[23:58:11] 226 1320.493 seconds (measured here), 43.84 Kbytes per second
[23:58:11] Transferred: test512 56.53 MB in 22 minutes 0 seconds (43.8 KB/s)

02-17-2008, 06:06 AM
Actually, i bought the software and the problem went away. apparently it is only a bug that exists in the trial version? does this sound crazy? or is this possible?

02-17-2008, 02:33 PM
This is very puzzling to me, there really isn't any explanation for this behavior to occur in the trial and disappear when registered. The only difference between the two is the shareware trial dialog on startup.

I spent about 30 minutes unsuccessfully trying to reproduce your results.