View Full Version : Need Ste password

02-14-2008, 02:42 AM
I asked this before:
In the site manager under each site it has the password in asteriks...I can connect to a site but I can't find where I wrote down the login info and I need to know what it is...is there any way to show what the password is instead of those asteriks?

This the 3 answers I found
answer 1
F6, General, Options, "Reveal password when selecting password field"

answer 2
enable application level password, after that in site manager next to password field will be "reveal" checkbox.

answer 3
enable application password(Sites->security->set password) and then site manager will have addication check box "reveal" next to the password textbox

None of these answers work for me...
Number 1 - "Reveal password when selecting password field" doesn't exist in my Options under any of the Tabs.
Number 2 - can't find any of that

number 3 - Under enable application password(Sites->security->set password) it says this:
By setting a password your Site Manager content will be encrypted using a strong encryption. If you forget your password it will be impossible to recover your Site Manager content.
That doesn't sound like what I am looking for..
I am using Version 2.1 (build 924)...is there any way to get the passwords of the sites I have added to site manager?


02-14-2008, 10:33 AM
All of these features were added in later versions, There is no way to do it in the version you're using.

02-14-2008, 10:37 AM
v2.1 build 924 is ancient and is no longer supported.
recommendations given above are based on people used latest stable version.

your only other solution is to install network sniffer such as wireshark or tcpdump and sniff traffic during ftp login.

btw, you've been using flashfxp for AT LEAST 11 month, and possibly many years(v2.1 is many years old), isn't it time for you to buy a legal copy and register?

02-14-2008, 12:10 PM
Backup your flashfxp data, install newer version (over the top if you like), import sites.dat from older flashfxp backup (using the internal importer), use the methods described above to check your passwords and if you wish write them down. If absolutely neccersary (i cant see why), restore old flashfxp installation from backup.