View Full Version : how can i disable ident lookup and hostname lookup in ioFTPD 5.85 and 6+ version

11-23-2007, 10:16 AM
in old version of ioFTPD,
i can set
Ident_Lookup = False
Hostname_Lookup = False

but there's no such preferences in 5.85 or 6+ version

when user connects to ftp, it will take io servel seconds to do these to lookups
but i do not need it...

11-23-2007, 11:38 AM
# IDNT command handler
Get_External_Ident = True
Dynamic_DNS_Lookup = ALWAYS
in 6+ version

11-23-2007, 02:25 PM
Actually, Get_External_Ident when enabled allows you to use the IDNT command before logging in to specify your identity response. It's primarily used by BNCs.

Dynamic_DNS_Lookup is used to control the new dynamic hostmask feature.

I should probably add 0 as a special case to not send any request, but for right now just add set Ident_Timeout = 0 which means the ident request gets sent, but it doesn't wait around for the reply.

There is currently no way to disable reverse hostname resolving, although you could make the hostname cache time (Hostname_Cache_Duration) really large to essentially disable duplicate lookups.