View Full Version : Cannot delete files

09-18-2007, 05:48 AM
I am using FlashFXP to move files around an NAS (TS-109Pro) . I was hoping to find a way to copy files between it and the USB hard drive attached to it. Reading other posts this seems impossible - just move.

In the process of testing I moved two files onto the TS109 from a usb flash drive using FlashFXP and moved them about. I then wanted to delete them. I am unable to delete them using FlashFXP, Windows or the FTP manager of the ts109. They look like they are deleted but after refresh they are still there. I have checked attributes but still they will not delete. [it seems that files transferred to my NAS with FlashFXP installed are all Hidden System Archive files - so at least I know why I cant delete them]

I thought that the problem might be a full network recycle bin. I emptied it. The Bin folder then disappeared from FlashFXP but I can still see it in Windows. EDIT: THIS APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN THE PROBLEM. Once I disabled the bin and reenabled it everything deleted fine.

Any ideas / pointers would be really appreciated. Thanks [NOT REQD]

One last thing, if u dont mind. I thought I would move the file to the USB drive attached to the TS109. I could then delete it off there one way or another. Looking at the file transferred, all 1.2gb is all there. But at the end of the transfer, FlashFXP says connection lost each time. As a result the original file is not deleted (as I would expect). I will look more into it but welcome ideas. Ta.

09-18-2007, 04:07 PM
I'm not really sure. That's really strange indeed.

09-20-2007, 08:26 AM
The reason FlashFXP was recommended was to transfer files directly between a NAS (TS109) and an attached USB drive. If the file is larger than about 1.3gb then it fails.


WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006
[R] Connecting to QNAP -> DNS=QNAP IP= PORT=21
[R] Connected to QNAP
[R] 220 NASFTPD Turbo station 2.x 1.3.1rc2 Server (ProFTPD) []
[R] USER admin
[R] 331 Password required for admin
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 230 User admin logged in
[R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[R] 211-Features:
[R] 211 End
[R] 257 "/" is the current directory
[R] 200 Type set to A
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,68,217,212).
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 55764
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[R] 226 Transfer complete
[R] List Complete: 581 bytes in 0.23 seconds (2.4 KB/s)
[R] CWD Qmultimedia
[R] 250-Disk free space at this directory is 333,754,152 KB.
[R] 250 CWD command successful
[R] 257 "/Qmultimedia" is the current directory
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,68,220,114).
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 56434
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[R] 226 Transfer complete
[R] List Complete: 376 bytes in 0.23 seconds (1.6 KB/s)
[R] CWD /USB Disk 1
[R] 250-Disk free space at this directory is 51,210,568 KB.
[R] 250 CWD command successful
[R] 257 "/USB Disk 1" is the current directory
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,68,218,182).
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 55990
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[R] 226 Transfer complete
[R] List Complete: 602 bytes in 5.39 seconds (0.1 KB/s)
[R] CWD HD Overflow
[R] 250-Disk free space at this directory is 51,210,568 KB.
[R] 250 CWD command successful
[R] 257 "/USB Disk 1/HD Overflow" is the current directory
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,68,220,101).
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 56421
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[R] 226 Transfer complete
[R] List Complete: 423 bytes in 0.23 seconds (1.8 KB/s)
[R] RNFR Heroes_4.mpg
[R] 350 File or directory exists, ready for destination name
[R] RNTO /Qmultimedia/Heroes_4.mpg
[R] Connection lost: QNAP
[R] Connecting to QNAP -> DNS=QNAP IP= PORT=21
[R] Connected to QNAP
[R] 220 NASFTPD Turbo station 2.x 1.3.1rc2 Server (ProFTPD) []
[R] USER admin
[R] 331 Password required for admin
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 230 User admin logged in
[R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[R] 211-Features:
[R] 211 End
[R] CWD /USB Disk 1/HD Overflow
[R] 250-Disk free space at this directory is 51,210,568 KB.
[R] 250 CWD command successful
[R] 257 "/USB Disk 1/HD Overflow" is the current directory
[R] 421 No transfer timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection
[R] Connection lost: QNAP

Since its big files where time can be saved (by not transferring via the network) its rather defeats it purpose. Any ideas why this might be happening?

Please could someone also confirm that there is no way to "copy" a file rather than move it. If I look up ftp commands Get seems to be a copy command. Surely copy is just a move without the delete? I really dont understand this. When you download a file from a server you leave a copy on the server. So how come I cant copy a file from the USB drive to the QNAP. Please explain. Thanks. (sorry if that is really dumb)

09-20-2007, 05:14 PM
ftp protocol is not intended for you to "work" with files. that's why there is no copy command. it is intended to transfer files between 2 remote places.
if you need to "work" with files, you need to use proper shell for that, such as remote terminal.
move works not because it's a move command but rather you rename a file and in the destination name you include dir path.

09-27-2007, 06:07 AM
Thanks Mxxcon for explaining that. Any ideas about time out?

09-27-2007, 06:43 PM
Since you don't have timestamping enabled (right click on ftp session window and from the popup menu check "timestamps") it makes it very difficult to know how long the operation took before the connection was lost.

FlashFXP will wait a maximum of 5 minutes for a standard reply, if it doesn't receive one within that time the connection will be lost. Normally a rename (move) is instant, but it really depends on the ftp server and how it actually handles it.

I believe increasing the "connect timeout" in the preferences also increases this value
Preferences > Connection

09-28-2007, 04:31 AM
Thank you. I enabled time stamping and its 120 seconds - exactly. BTW I have NOOP enables in Site Manager and I then enabled it in preferences. No difference.

QNAP seem to say theyt are working on it. We will see.

09-28-2007, 01:58 PM
In that case its seems more than likely a problem with the NAS or the ftp server on it.