View Full Version : File Exist Options: by date or CaSe

Proxima Centauri
09-16-2007, 02:02 PM
Is there an option in FlashFXP, as there is in the ever so annoying filezilla, to set conditions to overwrite (or not) files based on modification time? I've found the size conditions, but those are woefully insufficient.

Is there an option or way to handle downloading the two files from a linux system to a Windoze XP system:


And retain copies of both on XP? I realize XP considers them to be the same file name, but I do have a legitimate need to have mixed case names- and all lowercase names for a few files. Perhaps an option to zip each successive instance of "same name" in XP's view as such


and such a way or maybe a more arcane filenaming convention such that FlashFXP with unzip and upload only the contents of said zip file CaSe sets?


09-17-2007, 09:51 AM
Something like an 'auto rename' option in file exists rules would probably be the best solution to the case sensitive filenames. This option is availible in another fxp client, and although very annoying that its on by default, works fairly well by simply appending (number) to the filename (preserving source casing)... eg AppleS.txt would save, then apples.txt would save as apples (1).txt

I think the modification time rules have been suggested before (obviously would only work properly when the 'keep source file time' option is enabled).

Not quite sure if or how both of those options could work together though.

I think the use of a zipping utility is a bad idea.