View Full Version : where is the SSH/SFTP setting?

07-26-2007, 09:22 AM
I have version 3.4, evaluation, running on windows xp professional, sp2.

I started evaluating flashfxp this morning, i'm trying to get away from coreftp. But i'm having trouble from the start; coreftp is (imo) a bad piece of software, and its export function doesn't even give its export file an extension, so i dont even know what format its dumping out the data in. it's not csv or xml, etc...

anyway, i'm trying to manually enter in my websites into flashfxp. i'm having a lot of trouble connecting though. i need to connect on port 22, via SSH/SFTP enabled. try as i might, i just can't seem to find that option; and since i can't find it, i can't connect.

would someone please help me figure out what setting I need to have and where to find those settings? i'm rather green at all this.
i'm attaching a jpg of a screenshot cutout that shows what the settings look like in coreftp. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

07-26-2007, 10:16 AM
Sorry to disapoint you but FlashFXP doesn't support SSH/SFTP.

SFTP isn't really FTP in the sense that it doesn't use the FTP protocol, and because of this we have no easy way to add support for it without re-designing alot of FlashFXP.

We may support SFTP in the future.

07-26-2007, 12:24 PM
oh well... thank you :)