View Full Version : windrop1.6.18+SSL
have had to susspend this for the time being do to things not going to well, seems like tcl is not linking right and no matter what i do not all the scripts are working as they should, have tried many versions of tcl and they all giving some error
07-18-2007, 08:20 AM
ok due to a few ppl asking (1 here few elsewhere) i have compiled an updated 1.6.18 bot with ssl, so far on my test pc i am only having one issue and that is with dns lookup faluire - this could be because i am behind a router i dont know but the fix from windrop site
Q: Windrop reports "DNS lookup failed" when trying to connect to IRC servers
A2: If that fails and you are using Windrop 1.5.x or 1.6.x then try disabling the dns module by editing your config file and adding # in front of the following line:
loadmodule dns
worked for me, if any of you would like to test this bot (feel free to check it for viruses) let me know and i will host it somewhere
ps: if your bot just sits there like a dumb s**t without ever coming onto irc - open runonce.bat and where it says eggdrop -m and nt to it so it reads eggdrop -mnt, this will keep the cmd window open so you can see what is going on
pps i was going to patch it with non english character support and ipv6, does anyone require these patches adding ?
Nice job, windrop is brought back to live :)
think i will wait till a few more resposned before i host it :) as i say it works here apart from that little snaggle of dns
07-18-2007, 05:07 PM
would be nice to test it...
I've built 1.6.18+SSL in the past and don't think I had any issues. I remember the trickiest part was getting the old minires 0.98 or 0.97 to build it with as the newer 1.0 stuff had different include files.
I assume since you built it that you have cygwin installed? Are you using /etc/resolv.conf (I don't)? If the file isn't there minires results in using the windows DNS resolver and then faking the answer as if it actually resolved it for win2000+. That's what you want to happen.
I think you might need to make sure the minires libraries are in the same directory as windrop since it's likely you will have the 1.0+ libraries installed under /cygwin and you want to load the old ones...
Let me know how it goes, and if you are still getting issues I'll try a build since I haven't done it in a long while.
cygminires.dll is in there along with eggdorop.exe
grab my build here ( and you can all check yourselfs to see if it works or not
07-19-2007, 06:01 AM
cygminires.dll is in there along with eggdorop.exe
grab my build here ( and you can all check yourselfs to see if it works or not
Your build gave me a error:
! E:\windrop1.6.18+SSL.rar: Invalid or corrupt authenticity information
Not such a big deal but just to let you know ;)
I do miss some files in your build but until now haven't got much problems with it, testing dns stuff later to day.
what version of winrar are you using - i have 3.70 - if using an eerlier version it might kick up an error like that, when you say you miss some files what do you mean ? i have not included the html and stuff like you had in 1.6.17, figured they were not required
did you get the dns error or did it go ok for you ?
edit: have just tested the rar on 2 different pcs, md5 checks out and no errors when unzipping
edit2: after checking i have not added the templetes folder and contents if people want i can readed them
07-19-2007, 06:52 AM
what version of winrar are you using - i have 3.70 - if using an eerlier version it might kick up an error like that, when you say you miss some files what do you mean ? i have not included the html and stuff like you had in 1.6.17, figured they were not required
did you get the dns error or did it go ok for you ?
edit: have just tested the rar on 2 different pcs, md5 checks out and no errors when unzipping
edit2: after checking i have not added the templetes folder and contents if people want i can readed them
For DNS it didn't gave any error's, trying to get more systems for testing
Missing files comparing to 1.6.17 where some dll's for example in root i had tcl84.dll,tclpip84.dll and in .18 only libtcl8.4.dll. probably something with compiling.
folders different from 1.6.17, dunno where they are for. just did a quick check
And some simple modules and ident script but those can be added after install.
friend of mine tested release on different system in building here, no DNS error.
so far so good
cant be sure but might be all required functions are now in libtcl, i can add all the missing files and folders
edit: due to popular denad ;) i have added all the so called missing files and have uploaded a new version of windrop. refresh your browser so it isnt caching the page and re-download the windrop again
because i havent upxd it probably, and if you check my updated build you will see that all the scripts are there as is the templates updated tcl libs and other things ppl said they were missing from 1.6.17 rls, as for the 32 nick handle if you read eggdrop.h you will see that is says to leave that alone and change it in eggdrop.conf
now if ppl want i can easily upx the eggdrop.exe down, but if you look on unix or linux boxes they are the same size on there (and its only 1.35mb so dont lie and say 1.5mb ;) )
and it was me that told you about ipv6 patch and a few others ;)
having upxed mine down its now 458K - you have to bare in mind that a few things have changed from 1.6.17 to .18 so its bound to be bigger, if no one wants mine i can take it down and you can use whocarez2k5 version ??
or i can do a super dupe one and add everything inclucing non english charcter support ?
how did you compile ipv6 into your windrop where as far as i know cgywin does not support ipv6 ?
07-20-2007, 06:50 AM
because i havent upxd it probably, and if you check my updated build you will see that all the scripts are there as is the templates updated tcl libs and other things ppl said they were missing from 1.6.17 rls, as for the 32 nick handle if you read eggdrop.h you will see that is says to leave that alone and change it in eggdrop.conf
It was more as info, because the default windrop install files are separated in handlen 9 and 32 ;)
now if ppl want i can easily upx the eggdrop.exe down, but if you look on unix or linux boxes they are the same size on there (and its only 1.35mb so dont lie and say 1.5mb ;) )
I said almost ;)
and it was me that told you about ipv6 patch and a few others ;)
True, you named it in first post, i just compiled 1 with that feature , made mistake before by pointing to wrong dir when applying patch, had to much drinks i guess :)
having upxed mine down its now 458K - you have to bare in mind that a few things have changed from 1.6.17 to .18 so its bound to be bigger, if no one wants mine i can take it down and you can use whocarez2k5 version ??
or i can do a super dupe one and add everything inclucing non english charcter support ?Good idea. My intention wasn't to flame anyone or taking credits for it, just to help out ;)
My download links will expire eventually when no one downloads it and i'm not gonna up it again, just a 1 time thing
how did you compile ipv6 into your windrop where as far as i know cgywin does not support ipv6 ?
Just apply patch, no error's given when compiling or applying patch, need to test it though ;)
it errors out compiling here, and after doing some reading there are some cygwin extensions to supposedly handle ipv6 - but they too give errors, and if your running a eggdrop on your box or your compneys box then there are good chances its ipv4 so ipv6 isnt required really, i may try to compile it on my freebsd box later will prob compile on there but then thats not much use :)
and unless i get asked to compile non english characters and the topic protect patch i had i think i will just leave the bot as it is.
Grab my updated bot and see what you think, should have all thats required :) (except for the tcl libs which arent really required as libtcl takes care of everything but they are avliable as a seperate download)
07-20-2007, 07:38 AM
it errors out compiling here, and after doing some reading there are some cygwin extensions to supposedly handle ipv6 - but they too give errors, and if your running a eggdrop on your box or your compneys box then there are good chances its ipv4 so ipv6 isnt required really, i may try to compile it on my freebsd box later will prob compile on there but then thats not much use :)
and unless i get asked to compile non english characters and the topic protect patch i had i think i will just leave the bot as it is.
Grab my updated bot and see what you think, should have all thats required :) (except for the tcl libs which arent really required as libtcl takes care of everything but they are avliable as a seperate download)
I agree with ya that those libs aren't really needed, current lib handles all stuff, until now not any error at all.
Same for ipv6. Your right we haven't got ipv6 here :( and i doubt there are many ipv6 users using io
according to Yil ioftpd cant handle ipv6 yet, dont know if there are any ftp clients that do also, maybe flashfxp - but i cant find anything that says if it does or doesnt
07-20-2007, 03:53 PM
Carpo, i get tcl84.dll not found error here with your latest package
god damnit!!! i think i see why now, although i told it not too something containing that lib has put an entry in my PATH and so its not showing as being missing here, grab the tcl libs from my site and add them, now im getting errors that alcobot wont start and its after removing that path variable :(
07-20-2007, 04:01 PM
And megahall module won't run on 1.6.18 can't find modules it says
whats that ? i think i have the answer but its too late for me to do anything now - i will have to see about it in the morn
07-21-2007, 03:29 AM
whats that ? i think i have the answer but its too late for me to do anything now - i will have to see about it in the morn
MegaHal is a AI module that can be found on
seems if i use the way described on windrop site to make windrop it will compile yet alcobot gives loads of errors - if i update the libs in a stand alone way it wont compile, yet if i install activetcl it will allow the updated libs, but as soon as you remove active tcl even if you have copied the libs to windrop dir alcobot wont load saying it cant find a file :( has anyone tested this bot on any other sitebot script ?
07-21-2007, 05:31 AM
seems if i use the way described on windrop site to make windrop it will compile yet alcobot gives loads of errors - if i update the libs in a stand alone way it wont compile, yet if i install activetcl it will allow the updated libs, but as soon as you remove active tcl even if you have copied the libs to windrop dir alcobot wont load saying it cant find a file :( has anyone tested this bot on any other sitebot script ?
Never used alcobot so dunno, having trouble setting it up (to lazy to read whole thing) trying other scripts i normaly use later such as ioA, ioBanana etc
Compiling newer version with all the things i think is fun or good to have but it gives error's on:
../botnetop.o: In function `tcl_bop_reqop':
/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/botnetop.mod/.././botnetop.mod/tclcmds.c:26: undefined re
ference to `_Tcl_AppendResult'
../botnetop.o: In function `tcl_bop_letmein':
/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/botnetop.mod/.././botnetop.mod/tclcmds.c:33: undefined re
ference to `_Tcl_AppendResult'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [../../../] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/botnetop.mod'
make[1]: *** [botnetop.mod_so] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod'
make: *** [modules] Error 2
Did that work for you?
Compiling with extra modules added makes modules dir almost empty, kinda strange
what version of tcl are you using
07-21-2007, 06:09 AM
what version of tcl are you using
I tryed with version 8.4.15 but that was a no go so reverted back 8.4.14
I noticed when compiling default as explained modules where going good 1 by 1 until i do botnetop it keeps giving those error's
botnetop.mod is fixed. it seems some scripts need a little change in MakeFile when compiling in Cygwin
Open the modules Makefile with a text editor
Change all the .so to .$(MOD_EXT)
Add a space and $(XLIBS) at the end of $(LD) line
....................... as for the 32 nick handle if you read eggdrop.h you will see that is says to leave that alone and change it in eggdrop.conf
A Late reply on this but imo you need to change it still to 32!!!
* HANDLEN note:
* HANDLEN defines the maximum length a handle on the bot can be.
* Standard (and minimum) is 9 characters long.
* Beware that using lengths over 9 chars is 'non-standard' and if
* you wish to link to other bots, they _must_ both have the same
* maximum handle length.
* NICKMAX note:
* You should leave this at 32 characters and modify nick-len in the
* configuration file instead.
#define HANDLEN 32 /* valid values 9->NICKMAX */
#define NICKMAX 32 /* valid values HANDLEN->32 */
I think you based your answer on the NICKMAX note and not the HANDLEN ;)
dns issue is fixed its not 0.9.7 or the 1.0.x of minires its more the fact that bind is not installed (nor anywhere in cygwin as far as i could see) have found bind and its working fine, still getting the errors about alcobot and dzsbot not finding log files when path is fine
07-22-2007, 08:47 PM
works like a charm for me. finaly i don´t see those nasty krasches that killed my bot all the time before. =)
do you use dzsbot or alcobot ? as these are the two that are giving me issue says that they can never fin c:/ioFTPD/logs/xxxx.log - yet they are there - have checked nexord forum but no clues there, thats the only sticking point atm, other than that its all working fine here
07-23-2007, 07:19 AM
dns issue is fixed its not 0.9.7 or the 1.0.x of minires its more the fact that bind is not installed (nor anywhere in cygwin as far as i could see) have found bind and its working fine, still getting the errors about alcobot and dzsbot not finding log files when path is fine
According to some other sites most people aren't happy with bind and it shouldn't be needed because version 0.97-1 from minires should fix that dns issue.
07-23-2007, 03:13 PM
Any1 want to test this version?
For some reason it won't recognize me as bot owner when doing /msg bot hello
This version uses minires 0.97-1 (DNS resolve issue fixed!)
According to some other sites most people aren't happy with bind and it shouldn't be needed because version 0.97-1 from minires should fix that dns issue.
trust me it doesnt and i have had many ppl testing - maybe this is why pple have released a 1.6.18 bot - mind you on my linux box i dont have an issue :)
07-23-2007, 06:29 PM
do you use dzsbot or alcobot ? as these are the two that are giving me issue says that they can never fin c:/ioFTPD/logs/xxxx.log - yet they are there - have checked nexord forum but no clues there, thats the only sticking point atm, other than that its all working fine here
Neither. havent tested it with that (yet). im using it on iojTQ wich is stable now. it wasent before and kept crashing for me. =)
07-24-2007, 05:54 AM
trust me it doesnt and i have had many ppl testing - maybe this is why pple have released a 1.6.18 bot - mind you on my linux box i dont have an issue :)
Well trust me it does, minires 0.97-1 works with dns module enabled and everything works like a charm!
Just download (see sig!) and see for your self or let other people test it.
Only problem i found now is that when you compile megahal (for the ones who want it) in cygwin like other modules, it can't handle encrypted convo's (mircyprion) when learning and speaking, still figuring out what problem is because other modules work perfect with mircryption except in some situations megahal can't.
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