View Full Version : Need help setting up site to site transfer

07-29-2006, 09:14 AM
I'm having problems getting site to site (fxp) transfers to work and I was hoping someone in here could offer me some help and guidance.

I'm running the latest FlashFXP (upgraded today) and I want to be able to do a site to site transfer for backup from different servers to my server which runs FreeBSD 4.11 with the latest Proftpd installed as the ftp server.

I just keep getting error messages when trying to do an FXP. The directories are created, but no files are moved:

[L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (edited).
[R] PORT (edited)
[R] 500 Illegal PORT command
Site to Site Transfer Failed! (Attempting alternative method)

I have tried many things and changed the proftpd.conf several times. I have even posted messages to the proftpd mailinglist without any success. I have also tried the example config here in the Flashfxp knowledgebase.

What are the requirements to get FXP to work?

Any other things I can try to make it work?


07-29-2006, 07:36 PM
Site to Site Transfer Failed! (Attempting alternative method)so what happens when it tries alternative method?

08-01-2006, 02:46 AM
Same thing.

Here's what happens when I enable alternative method through the site manager:

[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (ip/port).
[L] PORT ip/port
[L] 500 Illegal PORT command
Site to Site Transfer Failed! (Attempting normal method)
[L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (ip/port).
[R] PORT ip/port
[R] 500 Illegal PORT command
Site to Site Transfer Failed!
[R] Transfer Failed!

Are there any requirements/restrictions as to what port the source server runs on and what port the destination server runs on?

I was once told they couldn't run on the same port...


08-01-2006, 06:35 AM
Are there any requirements/restrictions as to what port the source server runs on and what port the destination server runs on?
I was once told they couldn't run on the same port...that is incorrect. it makes no difference what port servers are run on.
[L] PORT ip/port
[L] 500 Illegal PORT command
[R] PORT ip/port
[R] 500 Illegal PORT command
both of your ftp servers have fxp feature disabled. contact one/both administrators of these servers and have them reconfigure server to allow fxp transfers.

08-02-2006, 11:21 AM
that is incorrect. it makes no difference what port servers are run on.
both of your ftp servers have fxp feature disabled. contact one/both administrators of these servers and have them reconfigure server to allow fxp transfers.

Thought I had enabled FXP on my server. Proftpd on FreeBSD machine with this line in my proftpd.conf:

AllowForeignAddress on

I have tried this (which is in the Flashfxp knowledgebase):

Q: How do I configure ProFTPD to allow FXP (Site to Site file transfers)?
A: Requirements: ProFTPD 1.2.0rc3+
You can download the latest version from www.proftpd.org
Information provided by Jeremy Truelove

To support FXP when connecting as a user place "AllowForeignAddress on" in the Global or VirtualHost context.
To support FXP when connecting as anon "AllowForeignAddress on" must be placed in the Anonymous context.
The config will happily support "AllowForeignAddress on" in multiple places within the config..
You may need to add the following "PassivePorts 49152 65534"

Same stuff...


08-02-2006, 11:40 AM
check with proftpd's documentation/support. info in flashfxp's knowledgebase might be outdated