View Full Version : resuming a download

06-01-2006, 11:43 PM
is it possible for ioftpd to allow someone to resume a download?

if a user disconnects mid transfer and then reconnects the download is not resumed. i dont know if this has been a problem for me before and just not noticed it, but someone keeps disconnecting and downloads dont resume. their client is set to auto resume and even when changing it to "ask" and then manual selecting resume it still starts a 0 byte.

is this only allowed in the registered version or did i just alter a setting somewhere that messed it up, i did a quick search with no luck and tried the kb and didnt see anything that helped...

06-02-2006, 05:46 PM
Do you have a zipscript installed?
These are not really compatible with resuming, when a download stops it will check the file and if unfinished mark it bad.
To stop this disable the OnUploadError event, though don't expect it to function entirely correctly afterwards.

06-03-2006, 01:03 PM
or set all files to 777 in ioFTPD.ini so that ya can rename from .bad to .avi for example and resume uploading. should work i think :D

06-03-2006, 01:05 PM
but remember everybody can delete files ya upped and so on ;)

06-04-2006, 06:56 AM
or set all files to 777 in ioFTPD.ini so that ya can rename from .bad to .avi for example and resume uploading. Should work I think :D
No, ioFTPD also uses permission in ioFTPD.ini, you'd need to change rename flag on their too. And it would only give permission to rename everybodies files, not delete as well.

06-05-2006, 07:43 PM
its not the resuming of an upload that wont work (i dont know how that is working as it hasnt been an issue) it is someone who wants to resume a download. their ftp client is set to resume the download on their end but it always starts the the transfer over at 0 bytes.