View Full Version : ioA NUKE & dzSbot announce

05-18-2006, 07:45 AM
Hi... is there a possibility to have dzSbot announce the lost credits too? ioA does if i do site nuke via ftp.

[R] SITE NUKE blabla 3 reason
[R] 200--[Nuke]-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- user | group | XXX.XXMB | XXXX.XXMB
[R] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- Total bytes: XXX.XXMB Total credits: XXXX.XXMB
[R] 200---------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[R] 200- ioA execution time: 140ms
[R] 200 Command successful.

it announces Total credits: the lost ones. through factor x3.

but in dzSbot only the uploaded credits are shown.

this rls got NUKED x3 by ioFTPD@ioFTPD - reason: reason - loser: user@group (XXX.XXMB).

but i wanna have an announce like:

this rls got NUKED x3 by ioFTPD@ioFTPD - reason: reason - losers: user lost: XXXX.XXMB (XXX.XXMB)

i had a look at ioACommands.log & ioFTPD.log and there is only logged whats announced in dzSbot. so i thought i have to ask here :P

is it possible??


06-04-2006, 06:07 AM
you can change the way ioa log to ioFTPD.log. Its up to sitebot to handle it. Perhaps sitebot can be modified in its outputs to handle it. Dunno

06-04-2006, 06:08 AM
k, i will have a look on that...