View Full Version : user can't see folder(vfs) but admin can see

04-23-2006, 05:03 PM
# format: <filemode> <owner uid>:<owner gid>
Default_Directory_Attributes = 444 0:0
Default_File_Attributes = 444 0:0

# Command specific rules
Modify_Stats_On_Delete = False

# Detailed permissions for directories
# priviledge = <virtual path> <rights>
Upload = * *
Resume = * *
Download = * *
MakeDir = * *
RemoveOwnDir = * *
RemoveDir = * 1VM
Rename = * 1VM
RenameOwn = * *
Overwrite = * 1VM
Delete = * 1VM
DeleteOwn = * *
NoStats = * =lSpeed !*

"e:\ftproot" /
"e:\upload" /_upload
"f:\mp3" /mp3

i'm sorry i can't english well..

all folder access dr--r--r (444)

account: 'ioftpd' see all folder (_upload,mp3)

i add user 'test' (group 'test') (flag 3, use default.vfs in groupvfs)

account: 'test' can't see all folder.

'test' in vfs-root-directory(e:\ftproot) but can't see folder(_upload,mp3)

What's problem??

help me plz...

04-23-2006, 10:22 PM
change the folder attributes to 755 using the ioftpd account

04-23-2006, 11:50 PM
change the folder attributes to 755 using the ioftpd account

thanks imsoparanoid..

i change all folder 755

but can't see folder .. :cry:

04-23-2006, 11:57 PM
thats strange ... unless the folder(s) inside the shared folder don't have the proper attributes; 755

04-24-2006, 05:14 AM
Default_Directory_Attributes = 777 0:0
Default_File_Attributes = 777 0:0
Old_Directory = 777 0:0
Old_File = 777 0:0
New_Directory = 777 0:0
New_File = 777 0:0

Restart server.

If its an issues with permissions that'll fix it.

Other thing to check is to see if you're on different vfs files (ioftpd uses admin.vfs and new users default.vfs by default) and normal users dont have the dirs mapped. This'd prolly be my favorite as culprit.

EDIT:// 755 is wrong perms, use 777. May seem open however io will take care of it for ya with the OWN flags. Anything else can act a little funky.

08-18-2008, 06:13 PM
Thx for this .. used ioGUI to steup the folder permisson and the tut. says that 777 is the you can execute files to in the dir . needed for certs. and it uses 755 by default.
then all users cant se newdirs only the root dirs and no sub dirs.
so made rules in ini and changed default chmod to 777 and the probs went away. only a few users can still use the execute by default.
think they should do some updates to the ini by default ..