View Full Version : Installer Translations

04-01-2006, 04:39 PM
As we prepare for the final release of FlashFXP v3.4, we would like to ask those of you who have created translations to please update the language section with some installer translation text. This will make it even easier for new users of FlashFXP to use your translation. Once you go to the language page at https://oss.azurewebsites.net/languages make sure you are logged in, then expand your language. You will see a new buttom called "Installer Translations". Please update these as soon as possible so they may be included in the next public beta and the final release. Again, your efforts will be rewarded as soon as 3.4 final is released.

Thanks, and let us know if you have any questions!

04-02-2006, 07:44 AM
Hello Linkster,

I have translated the 9 lines for the "Installer Translations",
but there are others parts to translate ... like:

Full (with description)
Compact (with description)
Custom (with description)

- the screen after the "Custom" is to translate
- the "Disk space usage"
- the button "Browse"
- the windows "Shortcuts"
- the final windows (the 3 lines with checkbox)

