View Full Version : [R] 504 Command not implemented for that parameter

03-05-2006, 10:37 AM
Whe have big problem nowe when whe are going to use server to server whit fxp

whe get this error
[R] 504 Command not implemented for that parameter

Its no problem to upload files from the lochal computer to the ftp server.
Whe get this only when whe using server to server howe can we fix this ???

here is the logg file and the ftp server whe have is server-u

[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) SYST
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) 215 UNIX Type: L8
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) FEAT
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) 211-Extension supported
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) CLNT
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) MDTM
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) SIZE
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) SITE PSWD;EXEC;SET;INDEX;ZONE;CHMOD;MSG
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) REST STREAM
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) XCRC filename;start;end
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) MODE Z
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) 211 End
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) PWD
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) 257 "/" is current directory.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) TYPE A
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) 200 Type set to A.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) PORT 195,198,149,232,26,239
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:48 - (000041) 200 PORT Command successful.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:49 - (000041) LIST -al
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:49 - (000041) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:49 - (000041) 226 Transfer complete.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) CWD a
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) 250 Directory changed to /a
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) PWD
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) 257 "/a" is current directory.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) PORT 195,198,149,232,10,68
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) 200 PORT Command successful.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) LIST -al
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:53:58 - (000041) 226 Transfer complete.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:10 - (000041) SIZE History.of.ECW.35.XviD-UWH.part01.rar
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:10 - (000041) 550 /a/History.of.ECW.35.XviD-UWH.part01.rar: No such file. this is the error line
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:10 - (000041) TYPE I
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:10 - (000041) 200 Type set to I.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:51 - (000041) ABOR
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:51 - (000041) 226 ABOR command successful.
[2] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:52 - (000041) QUIT
[6] Sun 05Mar06 18:54:52 - (000041) 221 Goodbye!

03-05-2006, 01:45 PM
need to see status log from flashfxp, not server.

03-05-2006, 02:25 PM
Here is the log for fxp from custommer

* FlashFXP v[ 3.0.1015].[ ], build [ ], [ x]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [ ] WinXP, [ x] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [x ] Yes & Model [dlink dfl-200 ], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [ x] Yes, Name [ dlink dfl-200], Ver. [ ], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [ ] Yes, Name [ ] or [ ] No
* Network [x ] xDSL, [ ] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

27 Entering Passive Mode (213,113,149,111,231,31).
[R] PORT 213,113,149,111,231,31
[R] 504 Command not implemented for that parameter
[L] 421 No Transfer Timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection.
[L] Connection lost:
[R] Transfer Failed! XXXX
1 File failed to transfer
Server Error, Aborted

03-05-2006, 03:37 PM
try to enable alternative fxp. if that also doesn't work, [R] server has fxp feature disabled.

03-06-2006, 02:58 AM
wheere can I find this try to enable alternative fxp ????

03-06-2006, 04:25 AM
whe have try nowe and get this error

[R] 200 PORT command successful.
[L] STOR ViRiLiTY.nfo
[R] RETR ViRiLiTY.nfo
[L] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ViRiLiTY.nfo.
[R] Connection lost: HenGor's site [BBB]
[L] 426 Data connection closed, receive file ViRiLiTY.nfo aborted.
[L] 226 ABOR command successful.
[L] Transfer Failed!

from server to server and its not work
I have dlink dfl-200 firewall and adls modem parmdyne
howe can whe get this to work ????
I have open everything to my firewall to the ftp server
its work nice to upload from the lochal computer to the ftp server.
But not server to server

03-06-2006, 10:47 AM
try to temporary remove your d-link router and see if that makes any difference.
if it works without router, you'll need to consult router's documentation on how to disable such feature.
opening ports will make no difference to FXP.

03-06-2006, 10:49 AM
disable what ??????

03-06-2006, 12:32 PM
feature in your router that look at ftp transfers and "fixes" it for NAT.
try to temporary remove your dlink router and see if corrects your problem.