View Full Version : Cannot connect to any server

12-25-2005, 05:59 AM
Hi guys,


sorry if before I wrote in the same Tread of Mr. Sphings
in effect I have a different version of FlashFXP, but the same problem

My FlashFXP now is: version 2.1 (build 924) Compiled on May 17,2003
(I have seen it looking in MainMenu->help->about)

I remember I did an upgrade or something similar and it didn't work more.
It is long time I have the same problem of Mr. Sphings I cannot connect to any server
Before it worked correct
I have Win XP service pack2 that Iupgrade very often on internet
I did not upgrade my PC
I have Norton antivirus 2005 and I tried turning it off (disabling Auto-Protected) but FlashFXP gives me always the same message.
I disabled also all protection of SpywareBlaster but FlashFXP gives me always the same message:.

-WinSock 2.0
-Connecting to ftp.tiscali.it
-Connection failed (Connection timed out)
-Delaying for 15 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
-Connecting to ftp.tiscali.it #1
-Connection failed (Connection timed out)
-Delaying for 15 seconds before reconnect attempt #2
-Connecting to ftp.tiscali.it #2
-Connection failed (Connection timed out)
-Delaying for 15 seconds before reconnect attempt #3

If I change server it gives same message:

-WinSock 2.0
-Connecting to myuser.altervista.org
-Connection failed (Connection timed out)
-Delaying for 15 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
-Connecting to myuser.altervista.org #1
-Connection failed (Connection timed out)

I'm not very skilled in using PC and web. I hope someone can help me.
Merry Christmas to everybody again

12-25-2005, 06:30 AM
First of all, FlashFXP v2.1 b924 is an old version. You should upgrade to v3.2 (the latest non-beta release available at the moment) before doing anything else.
You can download it from here: http://www.inicom.net/pages/en.ffxp-download.php

Then, are you also using a firewall or a router ? If so, please tell us which ones.

12-27-2005, 05:45 AM
I have seen problem is caused by winXP firewall
If I disable winXP firewall then FlashFXP works

Other software like, messenger, videogame work correctly also when Firewall is enabled

I have set up the firewall with the exception for FLASH FXP
(like I made for the others software that work correctly also with enabled firewall)
but also with this setting when firewall is enabled Flash FXP dont'work

I have set up the firewall to have the port number 21 open
but also with this setting when firewall is enabled Flash FXP dont'work

Is it normal?
Anyway thanks a lot!


12-27-2005, 04:53 PM
I have set up the firewall to have the port number 21 open
but also with this setting when firewall is enabled Flash FXP dont'workYOU don't need to do that unless YOU are running ftp server, which you don't.
your best bet is to delete flashfxp's rule from your firewall and let it ask you again...
sometimes xp's firewall will misbehave like that.