View Full Version : OnUploadComplete to scan for 100% and perform command when found
12-18-2005, 10:30 AM
i am trying to create a .bat file to autoextract and move the contents that were extracted when the string 100% is found in a directory name. the .bat i think can look something like this
if not exist *100%* exit
rar.exe x -y %rarfile %path\x\
if exist %path\x\*.avi (
move %path\x\*.avi %path\..\
rmdir /s /q %path
) else exit
the problem is, i dont know how to pass the variables along.
if i passed %[environment(PATH)] along with OnUploadComplete could i use it in place of %path as %1 or something?
is there any kind of variable or method to get the name of the rar to extract?
if i have rar.exe in my system32 folder, would i need to designate a path?
to get a better understanding of what im trying to accomplish, someone sends me a tv show to /tv/show/show-episode. i want it to autoextract the show and move it to the parent directory so the path would then be /tv/show/show.avi. i just have never scripted anything for ioftpd before, i might be way out of the ballpark on this, any help is much appreciated
12-18-2005, 11:27 AM
all variables defined in ioftpd.env are already available from a batch file running from io, you don't need to send them as arguments when calling your .bat
%varname%, ie %user%, %path%, etc.
Scripts called on a OnUploadComplete event are already sent some arguments by default, so %1 etc. already containe some information you might wanna play with.
A good way to see all the info you have available is to show all the variables at the start of your batch file:
@echo off
echo arg1 = %1
echo arg2 = %2
echo arg3 = %3
To extract the rar file, you'll need to try to unrar *.rar and *.001
Also, the if ... else ... syntax you are using is not valid in a batch file.
12-18-2005, 11:46 AM
OnUploadComplete = %EXEC d:\ioftpd\scripts\hidebat.exe d:\ioftpd\scripts\extract.bat %[$path]
extract.bat contains
if not exist %1\*100*complete* exit
rar.exe e -y %1\*.rar %1\x\
if exist %1\x\*.avi (
move %1\x\*.avi %1\..\
rmdir /s /q %1
) else exit
i started to play around and got this far, that wont work automatically but i changed the batch file to echo it all to a txt so i could see what it was doing, i then renamed the txt to .bat and ran it, it then performed perfect. extracted, moved the avi, and then removed the directory. i have the line after my zipscript so the folder with the complete string should be there already.
so i guess the batch file is dont correctly (it works when ran manually), do you know of anything else that would prevent it from working automatically?
proc unrarit {} {
global pwd
set 1stfilename ""
set contents [glob -nocomplain -directory [resolve pwd $pwd] *]
if {![string match -nocase "*100%" $contents]} {return}
foreach entry $contents {
if {[string match -nocase "*.rar" $entry]} {
set 1stfilename $entry
if {$1stfilename == ""} {
if {[string match -nocase "*.001" $entry]} {
set 1stfilename $entry
if {$1stfilename == ""} {return}
set parent [resolve pwd "$pwd/.."]
catch {set what [exec c:/program files/path/to/unrar/unrar.exe -x $1stfilename $parent]} what
i aint tested this, it prolly wont work correctly, but youll get the gist of using this itcl onuploadcomplet
12-18-2005, 12:23 PM
thanks for trying to help but i know absolutely nothing about tcl which is why i was trying to go the whole batch file route in the first place. i tried your code, added a } at the end and changed the "*100%" to "*100%*" as 100% isnt the last of the directory name and had no luck.
01-13-2006, 12:10 AM
ok i got it working, if anyone else is interested here is the bat file i use:
if exist %1\*100*complete* goto unrar
c:\windows\system32\rar.exe e -y %1\*.rar %1\x\
if exist %1\x\*.avi goto move
move %1\x\*.avi %1\..\
rmdir /s /q %1
and this is what i use in the ioftpd.ini
OnUploadComplete = %EXEC d:\ioftpd\scripts\hidebat.exe d:\ioftpd\scripts\extract.bat %[$path]
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