View Full Version : REQUEST problem with the user

11-30-2005, 02:59 AM
Hello, this is my problem, i have try to edit variables in the tcl code but nothing...
I have ioftpd 0.5.84u - ioa 2.0.3 - dZSbot 1.15

When i start a new request using raw ftp command no problem all its good and this is the result:

[L] 250--[Request]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 250- [001] [test ] -> just.a.test

and i have in the request dir a [REQ]-just.a.test with owner account "test"

but if i try to add a reuest using !reqadd command (all have +o flag) the request is added but the owner of the dir is "nobody" and if i make !requests the result is a request without the requester.

[4:40am] Bot: -[Request]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[4:40am] Bot: [004] [ ] -> just.a.test.B


[L] 250--[Request]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 250- [004] [ ] -> just.a.test.B

anyone know like fix this thing and passing to ioa over the request also the user that adding... tnx for help!

11-30-2005, 04:20 AM
I dont think you can.
Users tend to have different nicks on irc to their site usernames a lot of the time so having this feature enabled would lead to errors.
Request_IRC_Uid = 0
Ensure in ioA that is set to a valid user and it will stop it coming up blank and instead will show up as that user.

11-30-2005, 01:51 PM
i have try to make a new user account with 1MHT flag, added at gadmin group and i have insert the id now !reqadd don't work in any way... others req command are ok instead...

i have try to assign id of sitebot account and nothing :(

now don't work this command.... I have try to search more explication about :

Request_IRC_Uid = 0
Request_IRC_Gid = 0

but no more infos

also about a "new" fuction Request_Use_Uid-GID_from_IRC = 0
i haven't found infos :(

if any one can help me for configure user for irc request, id to insert and know the fuction of
Request_Use_Uid-GID_from_IRC = 0 please tell me TNX!

04-01-2006, 05:43 PM
make sure there exists files in /users and /groups called 0