View Full Version : Translation Pack v1.6 (update)

11-09-2005, 04:18 PM
Download Language Package (http://www.inicom.net/?d=44) (includes English Template)
Download Translation Editor (http://www.inicom.net/?d=18)


1. Open the TsiLang Files Editor
2. Load the English.sib located in the "LangPack.zip" file
3. Select the first form (TFrmABM), then select Captions
4. From the menu Tools, select Add Language
5. Type in the language name, if dutch, type "dutch"
(A new column will appear to the right of the English Columns)

6. Enter the translated text for each English phrase

(when you've completed the translation or when you're done for now)
7. From the menu, File, select Save As, and save the file as your new language using english characters.

*The Captions, Collections, Dialogs, DisplayLabels, Hints, Multilines, Other, Strings all need to be translated.

*Don't translate any character prefixed with %...this text is then later replaced in code.
For example "The folder "%s" does not exist." the %s is replaced with the folder name ("My Folder") and becomes "The folder "My Folder" does not exist."

*You'll notice the ^ character used in some of the text.
For example "%s Folder^, %s File^, %s Total^". The ^ character is converted in code to include "s" if the word is plural (more than one). If the plural translation for the word is different then the best solution is to just leave out the ^

*You'll notice the first letter of some text is underlined. This is for quick keyboard access, and is created by starting the word with an &. We recommend you follow the English translation and prepend your translation with a & when the English translation does.

*You'll notice that some of the text is duplicated, You can manaully translate the duplicates or you can add your translation to the dictionary, once the translated text is in the dictionary it can be used to fill in all the duplicated entries.

*Please try to keep the text case similar to the original.


1. Open the TsiLang Files Editor
2. Load the English.sib located in the "LangPack.zip" file
3. From the menu, File, select Merge
4. Select the file containing your translated language.
5. From the Merge dialog select your language to merge.
6. Click Next
7. "Skip superfluous entries" should be checked
8. Click Finish
9. Now save the template as a new name or overwrite your existing translation file.

Looking at the new template you will see some new translation entries that previously didn't exist in the old template.

This template is currently compatible with FlashFXP build 1107 and up.

Please make sure you add the new string in TfrmPref cDS.Items, if you overlook this string FlashFXP will crash when closing the Preferences dialog.

FlashFXP 3.3.4 build 1108 will be released to beta testers soon.

11-10-2005, 04:43 PM
Well, Spanish language file updated to latest template (1.5) and uploaded but ... i don't know what i'm doing wrong: on merge process i finish with a bunch of 'missing', 'superfluous' and 'other error' items (inside the three tabs) and i don't see the new item 'cDS.Items' on TfrmPref section. Strange ... i can see a new section called TfrmTxtReplace with new english items and also a couple of new english items.

I'm currently using FlashFXP 3.2.0 (build 1080), latest public release, i think.


11-10-2005, 06:24 PM
You should test this with the new beta we released v3.3.4 build 1108, It should be listed in the download portal.

Since you missed the new string in 'cDS.Items' at the TfrmPref section FlashFXP crashes.

Let me try and be more specific

TFrmPref > Multilines > cDS.Items

The english translation now has 17 lines, Your Spanish translation only has 16. You need to add the new line of text at the very bottom to your translation.

The specific line is "Accurate file system shell icons"

Hopefully there wont be too many more language updates that require updates like this because I understand how they are confusing, also it's nearly impossible to tell that a new string was added.

Well, Spanish language file updated to latest template (1.5) and uploaded but ... i don't know what i'm doing wrong: on merge process i finish with a bunch of 'missing', 'superfluous' and 'other error' items (inside the three tabs) and i don't see the new item 'cDS.Items' on TfrmPref section. Strange ... i can see a new section called TfrmTxtReplace with new english items and also a couple of new english items.

I'm currently using FlashFXP 3.2.0 (build 1080), latest public release, i think.


11-10-2005, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the new Language Package ;)

I'll update in next days


11-11-2005, 02:39 AM
Thanks Bigstar :).

Updated template with the critical item translation. Tested with FlashFXP 3.3.4 (build 1108).

12-12-2005, 08:45 PM
[BDownload Translation Editor (https://secure.inicom.net/portal/?action=download&f=18)[/B]

Little note: there is an updated editor in this page link (http://www.sicomponents.com/download.html)



12-14-2005, 10:05 PM
I would like to translate "FlashFXP" into Arabic language ...for the following Arab countries :
Algeria - Bahrain - Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Syria - Tunisia - U.A.E. - Yemen - Mauretania - Sudan - Somalia - Eritrea - Djibouti - Palastine
I have translated 150 programs so far...
I promise you I will update Arabic frequently when needed ... It is great and smart program ....
Please reply soon ... so to start to translate such great program ....

Arabic Translator:
Awadh A Al-Ghaamdi
Saudi Arabia

04-26-2006, 04:26 PM
Why only registration Product members can translate the FlashFxp programm ?
For example i only want to help translate to new language (Russian and Hebrew).


Now i can traslate



04-26-2006, 05:27 PM
There's actually an update v1.6 at http://www.inicom.net/?d=44

04-26-2006, 06:13 PM

you can translate as a non registered user. simply get the translation pack update, and send it to us at sales (at) inicom.net...once we verify, we will give you a free FlashFXP license, and then you can upload it yourself using your newly acquired portal account.

04-27-2006, 04:04 PM
There's actually an update v1.6 at http://www.inicom.net/?d=44

translation portuguese european.sib,in My FlashFXP Scripts.
when file.elg is disponivel.

05-01-2006, 11:55 AM
Greetings, I wish to check up as have translated almost all on the Russian, what program I change Russian.sib on Russian.elg ?

05-01-2006, 12:27 PM

Please send your .sib file to support (at) inicom.net and we will validate it. Once it is validated, I will give you a FlashFXP license, and you can upload yourself via https://oss.azurewebsites.net/languages.

05-07-2006, 01:34 PM
Well I have sent my Russian .sib a file on support@inicom.net :)

05-15-2006, 05:19 PM
A little question: in our Customer Portal / Downloads we have the Langage Pack 1.6 Update (LangPack16.zip - Saturday 01st of April 2006),
but in FlashFXP Languages there is English.elg for FlashFXP / Revision 006 / Last Update 05-11-2006

We should wait an update for LangPack.zip in next days ?



06-02-2006, 01:25 PM
How Can I Download This Download Translation Editor ???

I Get This Error When I Will Login With The Link "Session invalid. You must re-login"

I Have Try Many Time Now, And Is Say The Error Hole Time.

I Will Make A Danish File To This Great Program

06-02-2006, 01:38 PM
How Can I Download This Download Translation Editor ???

I Get This Error When I Will Login With The Link "Session invalid. You must re-login"

I Have Try Many Time Now, And Is Say The Error Hole Time.

This sounds like a cookie problem. Have you allowed the cookies from *.inicom.net?

06-02-2006, 03:41 PM
This sounds like a cookie problem. Have you allowed the cookies from *.inicom.net?

My Cookies Is On.

Can You Mail Me The Program. ???

06-03-2006, 11:15 AM
Someone have the new file english.sib ??? and can mail me the file

06-03-2006, 05:28 PM
I fixed the links. Please try downloading now.

06-03-2006, 06:11 PM
I fixed the links. Please try downloading now.

Thanks, When I Are Finish To Translate To The Danish File, How Can I Make The .elg File ????

06-03-2006, 11:40 PM
Send the .sib to us at support (at) inicom.net. We will validate it, and then send you a registration key, and account so you can upload it to our language page.

06-04-2006, 01:59 AM
Send the .sib to us at support (at) inicom.net. We will validate it, and then send you a registration key, and account so you can upload it to our language page.

Okay, Thanks

Linkster Can You Make A List Over "TFrm" So I Can See Where The "TFrm" Menu Is, When I Can Check It When I Are Finish ????

12-22-2006, 10:31 AM
How do I upload a translated language file again?

12-22-2006, 10:33 AM
I have uploaded the hungarian translation at 10%,
and now I'm about at 50%.
But I can't fin the hungarian language in the upload form?
What now?

12-22-2006, 10:34 AM
How do I upload a translated language file again?http://www.inicom.net/pages/en.ffxp-languages.php

01-24-2007, 05:58 PM

I have finished translatin the program to hungarian,
and I sent the results via email to support@inicom.net.
But still no answer, nothing.
The upload form, is a worthless.
U can upload only once,
and they forgot to mention it.
It could be fixed.

01-29-2007, 02:20 AM
Hmm, nb000, If you are the active scripter, you need to manage your file from the language download page, not try to upload a new one. Let me know if you need further help. https://oss.azurewebsites.net/languages.

it looks like you got it uploaded ok. I'll take a look at it and approve it if its good. Thanks for your support!

04-01-2007, 11:02 AM
Hi bigstar & Linkster, I'm going to make a revision to italian language file and
I need to know if there are change in file English.sib or if you will change before next official release?
Last file download have this date: 31/03/2006

