View Full Version : Some doubts

10-31-2005, 11:41 AM
Hello folks.

OK. i'm new here, bought my ioFTPD last night. I was reading ALL kb help and documentations.

My site is working as a charm :O but i'm still with some doubts.

1- When i use "site swho" to see who is online on my site, i can't see the direct IP from the user, just the mask. like

0 om Idle *@ p54915519.dip.t-dialin.net

Is there a way, or command, or other script that show me the IP from the user also ??

2- I'm running ioFTPD ioFTPD-beta5-8-5r and ioBanana v20. There's a command, that show me the actuallly inbound and outbound speed from my site ?

3- how can i access my site via HTTP ? I read the faq, but i don't get it. Example, i'm running secure site transfer (TLS). So i know i should use https:// them i don't know what should i set here. like adress, port l/p

4- When i check users via "site swho" it just show me the user, status and hostname. Is there any command, or any script, that i can use, to see what files that user are downloading from my site ? like the name of the file or something like that ?

Well, it's all for now. Sorry about all question, believe me, i read everything, is cost me some days to complete my configuration :P but i'm fine and happy.


PS: sorry about my english, i swear i'm trying imporve it :rolleyes:

10-31-2005, 11:53 AM
1 & 4, you need to install a script to get more detailed "site who" info, as youve found "site swho" is basic, id recommend ioFTPWHODLX ;) youll get everything youve requested above

3, define your http info in the ioftpd.ini, then simply http to your sites ips, it`ll ask you for a l/p itself (remember httpd was never fully functional to date)

as for 2, maybe someone who uses ioBanana can help you out

10-31-2005, 11:54 AM
1 - yes, get sitewho by addict, neat little script that'll make site who command look pretty
2 - yes, !<cmdmask>bw in irc
3 - you set the http port and encryption in the ini, do a search inside ioftpd.ini for http.. pretty useless atm anyway
4 - see 1

PS: you bought it last night and it took you some dayS to install it :P

10-31-2005, 09:04 PM
ok, i'm trying all options.

Lemme ask guys, normally, most of the scripts i get, have a built in help file explain how to setup it.

But some script, just came a file like ioFTPWHODLX.itcl

When i get it, how i can load it ?? i mean, what i need change on ioftpd.ini to run this script ??

thx again !!!

10-31-2005, 10:02 PM
I set it on ioftp.ini

site = C:\Program Files\ioFTPD\scripts\ioFTPWHODLX.itcl


site config rehash

but seems it won't work.

anyone wanna help me with a step by step or something like ?

11-01-2005, 02:12 AM
###; site = TCL c:\LOCATION\ioFTPWHODLX.itcl
You missed the TCL

11-01-2005, 05:23 AM
###; site = TCL c:\LOCATION\ioFTPWHODLX.itcl
You missed the TCL


OK, i do all steps and rehash it.

I'm doing the command: site swho and nothing changed like user info or something like, i'm doing the right command ?

:confused: :confused:

11-01-2005, 06:45 AM
try the command site who, no idea if tuffs who as swho capabilities in there, dont use it myself

11-01-2005, 07:15 AM
[R] site who
[R] 200 Command successful.

well don't work, maybe i should try another script

11-01-2005, 07:16 AM
1 & 4, you need to install a script to get more detailed "site who" info, as youve found "site swho" is basic, id recommend ioFTPWHODLX ;) youll get everything youve requested above

3, define your http info in the ioftpd.ini, then simply http to your sites ips, it`ll ask you for a l/p itself (remember httpd was never fully functional to date)

as for 2, maybe someone who uses ioBanana can help you out

hey tuff

u sugested me ioFTPWHODLX.

what command i need type to show info ?


11-01-2005, 07:49 AM
site = TCL c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioFTPWHODLX.itcl

is all you need in your ioftpd.ini, then simply `site config rehash`

if it still doesnt work after this, then its possible that the SPACE in your C:\Program Files\ path is causing the problem

11-01-2005, 07:49 AM
1 - yes, get sitewho by addict, neat little script that'll make site who command look pretty
2 - yes, !<cmdmask>bw in irc
3 - you set the http port and encryption in the ini, do a search inside ioftpd.ini for http.. pretty useless atm anyway
4 - see 1

PS: you bought it last night and it took you some dayS to install it :P

i was usng a warezed verison :(

now i copyed all my setting to my own copy :)