View Full Version : Official German Translation
09-12-2005, 10:39 PM
Hello everyone!
You will be happy to know that the German Translation has been finished and is available for testing now. Registered users with access to the scripts database please grab it and see if you find any bugs, typos, mistakes and stuff like this. I will be very happy to find your bug reports in here and correct everything that you will stumble across (I'm really blind now fixing all dialogs for hours). Friedbert, you're also welcome to help (if you have had a better approach in your file, just point me to the dialog and ID and I can take a look).
Current Language version: Beta 1.6
For Template: v1.6
Tested with FlashFXP build: 1120, 1125, 1128
Date of Language File: May 4th, 2006
The language file is available in the scripts database for registered users only. So make sure you have the official language file from the customer portal, otherwise I can't help you at all.
Enjoy testing and when you post here (except of quotes and corrections ofcourse), please post in english so everybody knows what's happening ;)
URL to language files:
Have a nice week!
09-13-2005, 12:30 AM
1.1 uploaded, I found a few things that needed improvements.. Let me get some rest and I'll probably find much more later this week ;) So far things look quite good if you ask me but I will probably walk through the Configure dialogs again. See you later all!
09-13-2005, 12:35 AM
Bigstar: can you debug some dialogs that I can't reproduce? (e.g. when using an earlier serial number for upgrading and the like) ..check the size and let me know. Thanks!
09-13-2005, 10:56 AM
1.2 uploaded. I forgot a few translations (Include and Exclude, hehe) and improved readability much. I also improved the layout of some buttons by taking care of the descriptions. Happy testing.
09-13-2005, 05:22 PM
German Translation - Changelog
- Initial Translation and Compilation with brandnew v1.4 Template.
- Found some terrible translation errors (wrong meaning) after lots of browsing.
- Improved a dozen translations.
- Fixed undersized dialogs.
- Added one missing translation (Selective Transfer dialog)
- Readability and button layout improved by abbreviations or exchanging words
- Improved a dozen translations.
- Corrected lots of "Dateis, Verzeichniss" (plural function no worky in german)
- Temporarily fixed Selective transfer dialog until resize (needs improvement)
- Improved a dozen translations.
- Fixed a few more undersized dialogs.
- Improved a few translations.
- Added new 1.41 template translations for Build 1095.
- Added new strings for Template v1.5 (Build 1107 and up).
- Some tiny improvements (reported by flooorian)
- Added a string to prevent crashing in Preferences dialog.
09-14-2005, 07:51 AM
... with brandnew v1.4 Template ...
Sorry, it's off-topic, but i thought that latest template was 1.3 ( :confused:
09-14-2005, 12:49 PM
The v1.4 template is now on the website. I delayed posting the file on the website until the language area could be updated to select "1.4" templates. Hopefuly it will be updated soon.
09-14-2005, 01:27 PM
you can now select 1.4 as a template :)
09-14-2005, 03:48 PM
..and Beta 1.3 has been recompiled with Template 1.4 tag. If you have been testing with Build 1089, simply download the language file again and the message ("outdated") is gone.
09-15-2005, 06:20 AM
Nice work
09-15-2005, 08:17 AM
Thanks everyone for downloading and the high votes.. I still need picky people to supply me with bugs though! ;) In Beta 1.3 (template 1.4) I have seen 3 bugs which I will fix when I have a bigger to-do list, everybody please check "Preferences" and if you see something that you don't really understand, give me a sign! No matter how small your bug is, I want the translation to be perfect when it's done.
09-15-2005, 08:30 PM
Beta 1.4 is here for Build 1094 and 1095. Seems to work very well, enjoy testing!
09-18-2005, 03:47 PM
Its good. Allready some bugs / mistakes in it, but not that big.
09-19-2005, 06:11 PM
Don't hesitate collecting and posting them. ;)
09-26-2005, 11:55 AM
Since I look last time it looked quite good. Some translations are different to mine
i.e. "sites" i always translated with "Server" or "Servereintrag" (depends), I like "Server" more and i think it's more understandable. There are some more but currently i have no time to collect or to show you the location. I will do it later(dont know when).
I wonder why there is so little response about the translations. Either it is very good or the users have no interest.
so long
09-26-2005, 02:25 PM
Right now mult-language support has limited exposure. You'll see much more activity once we release an public beta to everyone (not just registered users) with multi-language support.
09-27-2005, 11:12 AM
Friedbert: Good to see you back. I thought long about "Site" or "Server". I came to the conclusion that using "site" is the better idea. First, because every german knows what "site" means these days (since invention of websites), second because that would then be transparent to the english version, making future support a bit easier for Inicom folks, third because a "server" can host multiple "sites". Forth, even german wikipedia hosts the term "site" at - and fifth, I have seen other german programs also using the term "site". Like I said, I thought long about it, so it was no easy task but I thought it's the better idea. What do you think, what do the others think? No problem to change it.. germans speak out!
I am looking forward to your other reports, Friedbert. I hardly find any more bugs in my translation but this is probably because I know all the FlashFXP shortcuts and locations of options without opening my eyes. ;( Before the final, I will walk through everything again and I'm sure, I'll find atleast 10 occasions where there could be a better translation but right now, when beta-testing it actively, I can't see anything.
See you.
PS: German Translation Beta 1.4 has been downloaded 334 times up to this date.
09-28-2005, 12:55 PM
How can I install the translation???
09-30-2005, 10:40 AM
Hi guys,
I downloaded the latest German translation and change the menues to German.
So far so good. But when I start FlashFXP 3.3.1 Buid 1089 beta, I always see in the log window the error NOTICE: German translation is outdated, please see our website for an update.
And b.t.w. everybody is talking about FlashFXP build: 1094, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1099
Where can I get these builds?
Best regards,
09-30-2005, 06:45 PM
And b.t.w. everybody is talking about FlashFXP build: 1094, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1099
Where can I get these builds?you can't. they are available only for offical beta testers
10-12-2005, 12:39 PM
So far I have only found 3 bugs. I will be compiling a new version these days, but it's really nothing serious.
10-19-2005, 01:44 PM
Ok, before I come up with an update, I'd really like to see someone post me a list of things that you disagree with, e.g. translation could be better. My update is so tiny, it doesn't even really make sense right now.
German Translation: Bevor ich das nächste Update bereitstelle, würde ich mich freuen, wenn jemand sich ein bisschen Zeit nimmt und einfach mal aufschreibt, was besser sein könnte. Egal, wie winzig es ist, vielleicht hast Du absolut recht und ich habe etwas übersehen. Geht besonders die Sachen durch, die Ihr nicht auswendig kennt, d.h. die ihr verstehen müsst. Das wär super, danke.
See ya soon.
10-19-2005, 10:10 PM
There probably wont be much of a following until the multi-language version of FlashFXP is publically released. Currently the latest build is only available to official beta testers and a slightly older build to registered users only.
We'll probably have to update the translation language file one more time before the first public release since we have a few more things to add. Hopefully we can get the public release out somewhere near the end of the month.
10-28-2005, 02:36 AM
Thnx for the translation!
10-29-2005, 08:11 PM
hi im new im search the german language sib.
i can't downloaded can you help me
11-02-2005, 01:15 PM
h.merz52351: please refer to post
11-04-2005, 10:16 AM
hi chotaire.
first of all thanks for translating flashfxp! i had done it myself if my schedule would allow me to do so, but I'm pretty happy with your work :cool:
just three remarks concerning your work:
1st - Sitzung \ Minimiere zu System Tray
I would say "In den Tray minimieren" (or something similiar, I'm emphasizing the "in" instead of the "zu", because FlashFXP doesn't become a Systray just by minimizing it). Btw: Microsoft itself calls the System Tray "Infobereich" in the german version of windows. maybe you should use this translation instead.
2nd - <xx>..
Although FlashFXP english uses only two dots to show that a more detailed screen will follow, at least for german versions of windows, office, whatsoever "..." (three dots) is the standard. i think following standards is very important for a good overall impression. maybe you should consider a change here.
3rd - Werkzeuge \ Vergleiche Verzeichnis Inhalt (\ ...)
write Verzeichnisinhalt (one word)
that's all for the moment. i'm a little bit tired at the moment but i'm happy that i found the time to download your translation. i will report more if i find something (actually i'm just too sleepy for it), but if you need help don't hesitate to ask :)
best regards,
11-11-2005, 04:54 AM
the there a german langfile for 3.3.4 build 1108?
11-15-2005, 01:12 PM
florian: thanks for your comments. I will go through all the details and correct everything that I agree with. I will let you know when there is an updated file.
11-15-2005, 01:18 PM
angst: the update for 1108 is coming probably today or tomorrow.... sorry for a little delay, I was busy with another project.
11-15-2005, 06:22 PM
I have added the new language (German Beta 1.5) file for FlashFXP v3.4 Beta 4 (Build 1108). Please update the German.elg in your Language folder. Beta-testers will be able to download the compiled language file right away.
Flooorian: Thanks for your report. Please see language file Beta 1.5 and let me know if you're happy with all changes. If you find more stuff, I'll be very happy to see your report soon ;) Also, please check if I have forgotten a ".." somewhere ;)
angst: It's there now, happy downloading.
11-26-2005, 03:25 PM
I found a wonderfully hidden line that will crash FlashFXP when working with Preferences dialog. Please update to Beta 1.51 (German Language) as soon as possible. If you do not update and you go to Preferences, you might unrecoverably lose existing settings!
Happy updating!
11-30-2005, 01:58 PM
will it work with the public beta 5?
11-30-2005, 03:59 PM
Yes, it will work. We did not make any language template settings for the public beta..figured the translators needed a break :) we'll try to limit ourselves to one more major change before the final release.
11-30-2005, 04:26 PM
will if the final released the language be included the installer?
12-01-2005, 12:03 AM
Yes, the final version will include all completed languages in the installer. you will actually be able to choose your language when you install FlashFXP :)
04-18-2006, 04:13 AM
How far is the translation file for v3.3.6 build 1122?
Greetz, Martin
04-23-2006, 04:24 PM
is there someboby still working on a german language file or are we also just "unterste liga" with that? nearly every languagefile is up to date... except the german one... :(
04-23-2006, 05:26 PM
its a bunch of work. i have offered my help, but seems to be a one man job.
i know, its not easy to manage teamwork, but you can split parts of the translation to each
but its senseless if i make the whole one myself and then an other translated version shows up, and the work is for nothing because nothing of it is regarded.
And there is no really manager who coordinates...
its up to choitare because he has already the most raw translations, but i doubt that he has much time like other users.
i can offer only temporary help, one week or so.
05-04-2006, 03:48 PM
Hi there all.
Nothing changed within months and then when I decide to do some vacations, there's a new release. Duh! ;) Sorry for the wait, here's an updated language file for the latest beta versions (both private and public) of FlashFXP. You can download it here:
Please report ANY bug you might find, I hacked the new translation file together asap so there might be something wrong. Thanks for your help!
05-07-2006, 03:02 PM
You call over a month 'some vacation' ? Ok, I want YOUR holidays man! ;)
Now we finally got our translation. Lets start to test it!
05-08-2006, 09:51 AM
I know there will be bugs, so please report EVERYTHING. The bigger the list, the less I will forget to fix.. so go ahead everyone!
05-14-2006, 05:42 AM
for the new translation i have the message that is not compatible with the ne version of Flashfxp3.3.6 build 1125 beta. Can you say me why? In the first Post you have say that is compatible with this version.
05-14-2006, 01:19 PM
Me too having the same problem when try to run it with Build :confused:
When do we finally get a working translation?? :(
05-21-2006, 04:00 PM
Hm, I don't get it... that language version even works with 1129 and 1130. Bigstar?
05-22-2006, 07:44 AM and MKoberstein try with last RC release
05-22-2006, 07:44 AM
I'm not really sure why it's not working with 1125.
I would recommend upgrading to RC1, It works fine with 1129, 1130, or newer
06-16-2006, 08:13 AM
Now that the final release is out, I urge everyone who's using the german version to let me know whenever you find something not properly translated. Just post it here and I'll promise I will consider each and every post and try to fix it for the next release.
Thank you.
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