View Full Version : Help with windrop.

09-07-2005, 11:34 AM
Hi. I recently cahnged from RaidenFTPD to ioFTPD and I really love it. It was a bit hard since there is no GUI but on the other hand that's better some times. I am using ioFTPD v5.85 Pro, ioBanana 1.9 free and ioA. I have modyfied everything quite good now and all the scripts are working as I want them to (well, almost).

Now I have this problem with the eggdrop. I don't know anything about bots and this is the first time I'm using any kind of bot. I have configured the bot correctly and I have it in my channel, but now I want the bot to announce different things. I know there's tcl-scripts for this but it's not so simple for me. I want the bot to announce the races, show info on !commands and so on, but first of all I want the 'site invite' command to work. As I said I'm using ioA and when I typ 'site invite username' ioA says 'User inviting user bla bla' but then?

The question is, how do I connect tcl-scripts to windrop and my bot so the bot can announce things on IRC, in this case, typ /invite username #channel? It would be highly appreciated if someone could tell me fast how to do this.

Thanks in advance.

09-07-2005, 04:51 PM
ioBanana includes Tcl scripts for Eggdrop that provide the functionality you described. Refer to ioBanana's manual for installation instructions.

09-08-2005, 12:09 AM
Well, yeah. I'm sorry, I guess I missed to many things in hte manual. I've got the TCL-script working now so now I know how to do in the futer with additional scripts.