View Full Version : 1.0 Status
08-04-2005, 06:30 PM
Just few days ago, I was able to setup first virtual dummy service and connect to it.
Now I'm working on http service - once completed alpha version will emerge. Alpha version will be httpd only because of following factors:
- Alpha version is the first version ever released to public. While it does not have FTP daemon included, it does help me to debug all important core functions.
- Issuing possible 64bit compatability problems is easier, when codebase is smaller.
- GUI is based on httpd. Having httpd functioning 'early', makes it possible for our developers to begin work on it. (that means I need to write some documentations for them.. duh :D)
- Httpd is easy and fast to write; protocol is completely synchronous and has only few commands.
After alpha version has been throughly debugged, I will post list of remaining tasks until beta 1.0. (which will include ftpd)
08-04-2005, 06:53 PM
Useless info: size of current source tree is now at ~500kb. As comparison, version of glftpd (1.24) that I have is ~680kb, and v0.5.8 of io was around 900kb. I think I could write ftpd that does more than these two combined in 600kb... but I assume 1.0 final will be around 700kb. (note that amount of code does not relate to amount of developement time.. all the hard work is nearly done, just trivial code left)
Perhaps we should set up a friendly competition: guess size of ioFTPD 1.0final source tree.
08-05-2005, 01:30 AM
718,062 bytes
08-05-2005, 07:38 AM
08-05-2005, 07:42 AM
08-06-2005, 09:17 AM
706,256 kB , no more no less.
08-06-2005, 05:38 PM
701kb......winner gets a lap dance from 2 seksy blondez i heard :D
08-07-2005, 04:49 PM
Alpha version of httpd service nears completion. Size of http service is currently whopping 250lines of code :D (spent most time on fixing bugs that showed up while testing) It doesn't actually do anything yet, and lacks Etag & Time-stamp support.. but I think getting it functional is now only matter of day or two (no timeouts though - as usual i'll add them when I've got everything else stabilized)
08-10-2005, 06:39 PM
I finally got primitive version of httpd implemented (sends file as response), and I will be soon able to start testing php. Before that, I have yet to simplify database API a bit, so that it matches code php module's code draft.
Which means that instead of:
lpRow = GetCollectionRow(lpCollection, lRowID, lRowIndex);
lpValue = CreateWStringValue(L"fooo", 4);
lpOldValue = GetRowColumnValue(lpRow, lColumnIndex, lpValue);
SetColumnValue(lpCollection, lRowID, lRowIndex, lColumnIndex, lpValue);
one uses:
lpValue = CreateWStringValue(L"fooo", 4);
lpOldValue = GetColumnValue(lpCollection, lRowID, lRowIndex, lColumnIndex);
SetColumnValue(lpCollection, lRowID, lRowIndex, lColumnIndex, lpValue);
DeleteRow(lpCollection, lRowID, lRowIndex);
... duh. All this to simplify usage from php/tcl/lua.
08-11-2005, 05:24 AM
thx D1 for letting us know the progression status of the new ver :)
Can't wait for the release
keep it up
08-11-2005, 02:39 PM
Yeah thx for the updates can't wait also for the new i guess simpler version ;)
08-15-2005, 02:42 AM
Finally php module is functional... when calling php_request_shutdown(), it does seem to throw an exception, which does not make any sense (First-chance exception at 0x77e55dea in ioD.exe: 0x000006A6: The binding handle is invalid.) with both php4 and php5 libraries. :confused:
... those of you familiar with c, should be able to extract quite a bit of information from source files that I decided include with this post :)
08-15-2005, 06:18 AM
ioD.exe ? :p
09-15-2005, 06:30 PM
How long must we be waiting for the final release of ioFTPD, it looks like the project only just started and that the end of it is far far away?
Sry for being so negative but the announcement on the site is a little bit to early, I guess most of us want to see the new final version asp, or am I wrong?
09-15-2005, 10:00 PM
How long must we be waiting for the final release of ioFTPD, it looks like the project only just started and that the end of it is far far away?
Sry for being so negative but the announcement on the site is a little bit to early, I guess most of us want to see the new final version asp, or am I wrong?
ioFTPD version 1.0 is a complete rewrite of the core i/o subsystem. this was done in order for the 1.0 version to completely outperform the existing beta product. the i/o subsystem is the most performance sensitive portion of the code, particularly as you scale up the number of simultaneous connections.
the i/o system is now complete, and while you are correct that building services on top of this is just getting started, we will be leveraging the features built into this module that make writing these services very easy.
also, unlike the i/o subsystem, the service layer stuff is easier to port from the existing beta codebase. features will drop in pretty fast.
i wish i had a firm date for you, but there have been unexpected delays that have unfortunately affected the time being spent writing ioFTPD. i share your feeling of being upset over not having ioFTPD 1.0 released. we're fixing these delays and committing the resources required to develop ioFTPD into the kind of high-performance and feature-rich ftp server you'd expect.
Who are you _panic_? A new coder helping d1 or what? :)
09-16-2005, 09:37 AM
Yes, _panic_ is a new software developer with iniCom who will primarily be working on the ioFTPD projects. A more official announcement about his involvement will follow soon, as I know its weird for someone to just start making posts on behalf of iniCom :)
09-16-2005, 03:05 PM
is the beta source code going to be free to download?? (guess not but goto ask)
looking forward to version 1.0 rls:)
A more official announcement about his involvement will follow soon, as I know its weird for someone to just start making posts on behalf of iniCom :)
When is "soon"?
Some progress news posted once a week or so isnt to much to ask I think. :cool:
09-24-2005, 12:17 PM
When is "soon"?
Some progress news posted once a week or so isnt to much to ask I think. :cool:
i'd be more than happy to provide weekly status updates, once i've gotten myself setup and my schedule is regular enough to make them meaningful.
so, not only is it not too much to ask, i think it is a good idea too.
09-24-2005, 12:22 PM
looking forward to version 1.0 rls:)
just last week we hammered out the final feature list for 1.0. it seems doable to me. :)
From what I read (and what I understand), ioftpd 1.0 is far to be finished. I'm a little bit bored (like lots of ppl) to heard that ioftpd will be SOON finished. SOON seems to mean "we are far from releasing a version"
Is it possible to have a release date (approx): 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, 1 year, ...
(Sorry to be so rude)
Does this also mean that D1 is no longer the one working on this project?
09-25-2005, 07:07 AM
From what I read (and what I understand), ioftpd 1.0 is far to be finished. I'm a little bit bored (like lots of ppl) to heard that ioftpd will be SOON finished. SOON seems to mean "we are far from releasing a version"
Is it possible to have a release date (approx): 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, 1 year, ...
indeed :rolleyes:
seriously, its a joke. talk about being slow. does anyone at inicom actually do anything? if this was under contract, youd have your ass in a sling by now. what is holding up the development? has d1 dissappeared again? when did he last post? where is the beta`s of 1.0.0 (18 months later) where is the scripters pool voting? i can only guess how much your losing with the project dragging its feet for ages, d1 used to release a new version almost monthly, now, none existant. maybe its time to look for another ftpd
The FlashFXP development team seems to be very busy releasing betas, fixing bugs, adding multilanguage support, etc. but for ioFTPD it's the opposite. Except _panic_ who appeared a few days ago as a new developer, we haven't seen anything coming from inicom recently. I share tuff's feeling about darkone: no sign from him for a month and no word from inicom about it could mean he has disappeared again. The promised new features are still keeping the old faithful users around but if development stops (or at least looks like that) your userbase will get smaller and smaller.
You should make an official announcement about the current project status and start posting a weekly report (like suggested in this thread). What about releasing a preview of the ioFTPD-specific commands you've added to lua and to any other script engine that will be supported in v1.0 ? I'm not asking for an alpha version as I can wait for it to be considered ready by the developers (there's no poing in getting one atm). I wouldn't mind getting a preview of the external modules documentation either.
PS: Starting the scripters pool poll and giving a few quids to tuff might keep him happy for a few weeks ;)..
09-25-2005, 01:12 PM
instead of responding to all of you individually, i hope a single response here will suffice. if i haven't been both thorough and forthcoming below, call me on it and i'll answer additional questions from there.
i'm a relative newcomer to this situation, so i can't fully appreciate how long you've been waiting for a new release of ioftpd. i'm sorry that the wait has been so long. we have made several mistakes on the road to releasing 1.0, which has caused an unacceptable delay in making a new release, and drawn our attention away from addressing the needs of the ioftpd community.
darkone's last post to this forum was august 15th this year, roughly six weeks ago. the last time i heard from him over e-mail was roughly four weeks ago. leading up to this, his involvement in ioftpd has been sporadic, and our progress toward releasing 1.0 has been entirely too slow.
i believe his lack of involvement has had an additional negative effect on everyone else's involvement at inicom. ioftpd always was and will continue to be darkone's baby. without him driving development, this project has languished. sadly, he has proven just how talented and important he is by demonstrating what happens when he disappears.
darkone is welcome to get involved again at any point he chooses, but until and unless he decides to do so, i've been asked to step in and get this project back on track. i'm doing this currently without pay and on a part-time basis. jon and josh are my friends, they asked for my help, and all three of us care too much about ioftpd to leave it where it is now.
i won't ask you to be patient. you've been more than patient already. i will tell you that there *will* be a new release of ioftpd. and that after this we will continue to make new releases. this product is not dead. it will continue to grow into the premier ftp server available anywhere.
much as i don't like being on the receiving end of your frustration, i'm glad as a community you are upset over the delay. i'm glad that you care enough about ioftpd to be angry when your needs aren't being met.
having said all of that, each one of you can help me immensely in moving this project forward. instead of asking when 1.0 will be ready, i'd like to turn around and ask you: "what would you like to see in ioftpd today?" what features are missing, what bugs are you encountering? let me know what your expectations are, and i'll get to work on exceeding them.
09-25-2005, 01:32 PM
Firstly, thank you for the status update. This is the most [honest] news we've had in a while.
What I would like see most is documentation for developers and moving scripting languages to modules. This would allow me to write a Tcl and Python scripting module if IniCom decides not to support these languages (the current Tcl interface is terrible). From what I have gathered, the upcoming ioFTPD version is built around LUA, so while be may not be able to move LUA to a module, it is certainly possible for other languages.
Must say it brakes my heart seeing d1 disappearing once again. Just as the other active members in this community I've been waiting patiently for the upcomming release of the new io and when these things happend, it really affects ones motivation for the whole project.
A statement from d1 about what's going on would be really great at this moment to clarify things for the rest of us and not make us have to keep guessing about the status of the project.
09-25-2005, 01:50 PM
Must say it brakes my heart seeing d1 disappearing once again. Just as the other active members in this community I've been waiting patiently for the upcomming release of the new io and when these things happend, it really affects ones motivation for the whole project.
A statement from d1 about what's going on would be really great at this moment to clarify things for the rest of us and not make us have to keep guessing about the status of the project.
i very much agree, and hope he will chime in with his perspective and some news about how he is doing.
if there is one bit of good news to be taken, it would be that reading d1's code is a real pleasure. he has made it very easy for someone pick up where hes has left off and follow in his footsteps. i won't let the effort you have personally put into the ioftpd community be wasted. this is a community worth being a part of and active in.
but, i don't have to leave you guessing. i'm here so that ioftpd will stay alive and active. i will be around for the long term; as long as i'm needed and can make contributions. it is *not* my intention to replace d1, no one can. i *do* hope i can do my part in making ioftpd the product he always imagined. this product is active, it has developers, and best yet it has a kick-ass community of scripters and contributors. our recent experiences are a speed bump and a learning experience, and we'll be stronger for it.
ioftpd isn't going anywhere.
09-25-2005, 01:52 PM
Firstly, thank you for the status update. This is the most [honest] news we've had in a while.
What I would like see most is documentation for developers and moving scripting languages to modules. This would allow me to write a Tcl and Python scripting module if IniCom decides not to support these languages (the current Tcl interface is terrible). From what I have gathered, the upcoming ioFTPD version is built around LUA, so while be may not be able to move LUA to a module, it is certainly possible for other languages.
documentation wasn't on my list, but i feel the pain of not having it. check, we'll get some stuff out there.
scripting language interface improvements are already on the list of features. i'll be doing some heavy work in getting this stuff cleaned up, adding new languages (lua, perl, python), and generally exposing more and more information from to interface.
Thanks alot for clearing things up.
It seems like d1 atleast logins to the forum still, even if he dont post. "darkone, Last Activity: Yesterday 07:50 PM"
09-25-2005, 04:12 PM
Only important thing thats really needed asap is full SSL data support.
Thank you very much for telling us the truth about what's going on at the moment. It's sad darkone has disappeared again.. but I would like to thank you for continuing the development of this great piece of software. I didn't know you were doing that during your free-time. You seem to get ready pretty well.
Thank you also for staying close to the community. What I would like to see is a fixed chattr command to be able to read/write additional information to the .ioFTPD files from a script. It's an itcl command at the moment, but it could be lua or any other language.
Apart from that, full SSL/TLS support is definitely being required. A working sample user/group module (with the source code) would also be a good thing.
yes, a fixed chattr command, so we dont experience the 4k+ .ioFTPD file bug (crashs ioFTPD on restart/dir cacheing)
infact id be happy with just that
09-26-2005, 12:04 PM
My requests are limited to user/group modules (to be able store any extra data per user or use an external database for users) and some way to manipulate the output of LIST (hide files/filetypes/patterns, either with a built-in way for this, or scripted control over the LIST output buffer)
09-26-2005, 02:13 PM
Thank you very much for telling us the truth about what's going on at the moment. It's sad darkone has disappeared again.. but I would like to thank you for continuing the development of this great piece of software. I didn't know you were doing that during your free-time. You seem to get ready pretty well.
currently i am doing it in my free time, but i am spending 10-20 hours a week at it, which will continue into the foreseeable future, at least the next several months. after that i hope to have more time available and to transition into paid work, presuming you guys are happy with my stewardship of ioftpd.
so i'm pretty excited, i'm glad to see feature requests here, and i've already started working on them!
Great to have you here panic. Hope everything works out well for you and that you enjoy your stay with us in this community. It would have been such a shame letting ioFTPD be discontinued. According to me, darkone was really building up somethings special and revolutionizing and while it's sad to see him disappear, I'm glad to see you continuing with his work and not just letting this die out. Welcome aboard
09-27-2005, 06:32 AM
A couple of things I would like to see:
* Full SSL support
* Fixed .ioFTPD bug
* There seems to be a bug which allows two people to start uploading the same file if they do it almost instantenously (some cache issue?)
* Configuration file done in LUA (so we can use variables and stuff there)
* An option to override all commands (so we can change LS or STAT output etc)
* A working OnLogout/OnConnectionClose event
* Easier/better documented interface to user/group/vfs/etc. management (accessible both from scripts and from stand-alone programs)
09-27-2005, 08:48 AM
all seems to be going well then :D
the only thing i can think of that i would like to see is more group settings. i.e anyone added to SiTEOPS gets flags +1m and anyone added to iND gets 2 FTPlogins. thats it really, everything else is perfect :D
09-27-2005, 12:11 PM
very nice to see an update of what is going on... Hope to hear how D1 is doing and happy to hear he kept his code clean for other ppl to help continue his work.
09-27-2005, 09:42 PM
thank you everyone so far for the kind words and particularly for the good suggestions. i'll have to summarize these at the start of a new thread and put a roadmap together. watch for that probably over the weekend.
this of course shouldn't discourage anyone from keeping the suggestions coming.
09-27-2005, 10:35 PM
Is ip checking still going to be removed from teh FTPD core and made a module?
If so will it be created and supported officially as D1 said?
BTW, already said by others but welcome aboard, great to see so much enthusiasm and energy back at the reigns of the project again.
A pity that D1 as dissapeared but maybe fresh eyes is what was needed.
09-28-2005, 07:22 PM
Is ip checking still going to be removed from teh FTPD core and made a module?
If so will it be created and supported officially as D1 said?.
yes, we'll eventually move that functionality to module. i have a few things in front of it (documented/improved UserModule, finish ssl support, port scripting to lua, to name a few), but this will go on the feature request list.
09-29-2005, 04:21 AM
This is getting _completely_ rediculous.
D1 has vanished again, there is _still_ no new beta, and the scripters have not been paid the pool.
Doesn't Inicom realize that all the other ftpd servers out there are getting better and better by the day? Hell even Serv-U is becoming a viable alternative for an everyday business/personal server.
All of the free alternatives are gaining ground on their commercial counterparts, and even excell past some of them.
I paid for a foundation license so the scripters could be paid a little something for the work they did. They have not been paid, and I am seriously doubting they will be. If this takes place, that would be fraudulent.
Overall I am very disappointed in D1 and the ioftpd team. I thought I was getting involved in a great project, and instead got taken.
09-29-2005, 04:23 PM
I don't disagree that the ioFTPD project has had it's setbacks, but we are working to change that, and move forward. We have already apologized, and instead of dwelling on what went wrong, we intend to move forward building upon what's right.
Although it HAS been a long time coming, I have finally gotten the scripter's pool poll up, and once that ends scripters will be paid. Only ioFTPD foundation users may participate in this poll.
10-02-2005, 11:48 PM
thanks for news.
yep. thnx for the news... Due I begin to worry about this project..:P
10-10-2005, 06:02 PM
PNC: Open your eyes, there was an update posted not long ago.
10-10-2005, 09:54 PM
and you asked on the right evening, as i've just uploaded another status report (
10-11-2005, 02:43 AM
Well in case you guys need some help coding in io just yell...
10-11-2005, 03:34 AM
That was exactly what I meant, cheers bud :D
And thanks for the further update :)
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