View Full Version : [REQ] Advanced Rating/Recommend site command

06-05-2005, 07:13 AM
Well I know that theres a recommend script outhere. Its pretty good. What I need now is a script that can be executed via site command:

site rate <release> <0-10>, where 0 is the worst, 10 the best

It should be possible to define sections where releases should be rated. It should be also possible to define a directory (e.g. /_rated/) where symlinks will be created for every rated release


Every user on the site with a special flag may execute the script and rate a release. The script should calculate the average rating for a release based on all the ratings done by the users for this special release. Of course every user is only allowed to rate a release once. He might change his former rating but not rate twice.

Puh. I hope its all clear what i need now. If anyone could code this, i would be more than thankful.


06-05-2005, 08:53 AM
the one possible problem with the symlinks with avg ratings is they will keep changing, so will go out of date - unless user keeps refreshing dir.

06-05-2005, 09:10 AM
You could also work with subdirs like /_rated/_section/score/releasename where score could be higher (9-10), high (7-8), medium (5-6), low (3-4) or lower (0-2). Then the symlink wouldn't change its location that often.

You could also use the .ioFTPD.message files to display the scores on CWD instead or using the symlink itself. For example, when you would "CWD /_rated/_section/high/somexeample" you would see :

[racestats if relevant]

user1 gave a 8 / 10 (reason)
user2 gave a 6 / 10 (reason)
user3 gave a 7 / 10 (reason)

Average: 7 / 10 (high)

With a better formatting of course but the idea is there.

06-05-2005, 10:54 AM
been wanting a SITE RECOMMEND myself too
but just without rating

like a

/recommend/ with possible section folder
which just keeps the latest 20 recommendations
and deletes one of its full and 1 more is added


site recommend Artist-Album-CD-2005-GRP mp3

and customisable sections :)
would be great

thanks in advance for the one that will script this

06-05-2005, 06:31 PM
thunk: such a script has already been coded. im using that atm and its working fine. but im requesting some "advanced" version of it. i can rate the albums i listened to this way without having to recommend only the best but also showing which albums are total crap ;)

about the average ratings. hmm. maybe its useful to store the data in some kind of logfile on the hdd saving the user and the score he gave. just needs to be updated with every vote.

I really think that such a script might be a very good addition to the existing RIO. So please some skilled coder code it. I know a bit of scripting myself but this is just not my kind of business anymore, heh. Thanks in advance again.

10-09-2005, 08:16 AM
Come on. Someone? :X