View Full Version : eggdrop TCL script, and one problem with eggdrop

05-25-2005, 03:45 AM
First i have one question. I use eggdrop 1.6.17, and i use it with a global sitebot, which connects to all sites and sends commands and gathers responses. For example: it sends 'site allup' and gathers response in a file for further processing. But the problem is when site is "busy". Bot tries to connect to that site for about 4-5 min, before he moves on to the next one. But i would like to make bot try to connect for 20s if no respons then he would give up and try next in list.

I use TCL code like this in my script, for connecting to ftp-s:

foreach site [ split $ftp(site) ] {
set num [split $site '|']
catch { [lindex $num 0]::Open [lindex $num 1] [lindex $num 3] [lindex $num 4] -port [lindex $num 2] } ftp

in rough this is it, i use tcl FTP library package.

So, i would like, that bot tries to get on site for 20seconds, if the ftp does not respond in that time, it just goes to another one in list. So i awoid waiting for response for too long, and so avoid ping timeout on the irc server.

I hope you know what i am trying to do. Maybe some code altering in the FTP library package to decrease that time, or something to be done in my code, dunno :(

That`s first part.

Now the second question:
1. on Windrop it does not make this error in 6 months use.
2. on eggdrop i constantly get this error (2x per day on random site).
error writing "sock11": broken pipe
.... or some other sock-number. Disabled my firewall, tried some other version of eggdrop .... Using Windrop is not an option anymore ....

The problem does not dissappear until i do .restart on the bot`s partyline. .rehash does not do the job :mad:

I hope somebody has the time to read this any give me some heads up, im kind off desperate by now :confused:

thanx, and have a great time.

05-25-2005, 03:52 AM
make the bot login even if the site is full isntead, seems like a better option

05-25-2005, 03:56 AM
No. it`s not that problem....

For example: site is blocked somehow, or very very busy

when u try to connect to it you get:

Connection established ... and thats it no response anymore from the ftp, so here the bot waits for too long, because he is waiting to get response from ftp. For example. when ftp is completly down it`s fine (connection refused), because bot connects and gets respons imediatly ...

So on short: ftp does not give the response in appropriate time, so i need a "faster timeout" feature.