View Full Version : iojTQ NUKE
05-14-2005, 12:04 PM
hello,i would to know how works iojtq nuke,thanks
!nuke site /path/ dir multi reason
!nuke site1 /xxx/ 3 testing
!nuke site1 /xxx/ 3 testing
and works only for ioA ;)
05-15-2005, 05:32 AM
thanks Jeza,but according to you,is it possible to register name.release with a tcl ?
<bot2> [BF] name.release Was released 5 hours 13 minutes 13 seconds ago.
<iojTQ> !nuke path name.release multi reason
if u know a litle tcl than u can add trigger to iojtq
catch (second word in line)
and send command to ftp if u know the path
05-15-2005, 08:26 AM
i don't know tcl well,but i can put trigger in iojTQ,path is /TODAY/ but i don't know how read name release,help me,thanks
05-15-2005, 09:27 AM
read 2 sec
proc iojTQ:BAD {chan release} {
global iojTQ
if { $chan != $iojTQ(admin_chan) } { return }
sm $chan "!nuke TODAY name.release 3 PRE_BAD"
bad code ^_^
yup bad
u should send ftp command not msg to the chan
iojTQ:SendFTPCommand sitename "SITE CWD /TODAY/"
iojTQ:SendFTPCommand sitename "SITE NUKE release 3 reason"
and remove this line with admin chan
05-16-2005, 04:55 AM
ok,but there are 2 problem:
1) when there is this line on chan
<bot2> [BAD] release Was released 5 hours 13 minutes 13 seconds ago.
how iojTQ read [BAD] ?
in the bind i can't
[BAD]-iojTQ:BAD because iojTQ accept only with !
code is:
proc iojTQ:BAD {release} {
global iojTQ
iojTQ:SendFTPCommand sitename "SITE CWD /TODAY/"
iojTQ:SendFTPCommand sitename "SITE NUKE release 3 reason"
how iojTQ read release from bot2?
excuse me too:(
proc iojTQ_FISH {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global iojTQ
set cmdline [decrypt $iojTQ(fish_key) $arg]
set dcmd [lindex $cmdline 0]
set darg [lrange $cmdline 1 end]
if { $dcmd == "\[BAD\]" } {
iojTQ:BAD [lindex $cmdline 1]
foreach prc $iojTQ(proces) {
set n [split $prc "-"]
if { $dcmd == "$iojTQ(cmdp)[lindex $n 0]" } {
[lindex $n 1] $nick $uhost $hand $chan $darg
proc iojTQ:BAD {release} {
global iojTQ
iojTQ:SendFTPCommand typeyoursitenamehere "SITE CWD /TODAY/"
iojTQ:SendFTPCommand typeyoursitenamehere "SITE NUKE $release 3 typeyournukereasonhere"
05-16-2005, 07:44 AM
nothing,don't works
probably somthing with \[BLA\]
and this only works with fish on
05-17-2005, 03:24 PM
ah ok,now fish is off| are there a method to make work without fish?
now fish enabled but not works,
according to me don't read
<bot2> [BAD] => release Was released 39 minutes 51 seconds ago
05-17-2005, 03:50 PM
Unable to find directory to nuke
[BAD] => release Was released 39 minutes 51 seconds ago
release = word 3
in your previus post it was word 2
[BAD] release Was released 39 minutes 51 seconds ago
--> iojTQ:BAD [lindex $cmdline 2]
for [BAD] => release Was released 39 minutes 51 seconds ago
05-17-2005, 05:23 PM
excuse me, errors are:
500 SITE CWD: Command not understood.
200- Unable to find directory to nuke
with command "CWD TODAY"
not works too
Then the new message of bot2 is:
PRE [BAD] => release Was released 39 minutes 51 seconds ago
iojTQ:BAD [lindex $cmdline 4] ?
but for bind.tcl
if { $dcmd == "PRE \[BAD\] =>" } {
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