05-01-2005, 10:49 PM
cuBnc is a multisite bnc. It creates a virtual file structure where dirs can be connected to a slave servers. Login authentication is usually done via another ftpd (one of the slaves).
Has anyone ever tried this new script. It seems really interesting, and would be great for those who run multi-site rings, and don't want to make the transfer to drftpd. I am not the best when it comes to installing these things, so can anybody say wheter cuBnc has worked for them with ioFTPD on windows. Thanks.
cuBnc is a multisite bnc. It creates a virtual file structure where dirs can be connected to a slave servers. Login authentication is usually done via another ftpd (one of the slaves).
Has anyone ever tried this new script. It seems really interesting, and would be great for those who run multi-site rings, and don't want to make the transfer to drftpd. I am not the best when it comes to installing these things, so can anybody say wheter cuBnc has worked for them with ioFTPD on windows. Thanks.