Glad you read the upgrading instructions and changelog...
0.9.8 -> 0.9.9 - Replace all files located in /scripts/nxTools/.
- Remove your nukes and requests database from /scripts/nxTools/data/
and recreate them using the "SITE DB CREATE" command.
- Changed config option: dupe(RebuildPaths), newdate(Default), and
- Renamed config options: misc(UTC_Time) to misc(UtcTime) and
pre(ChownUID) to pre(ChownUserId).
- Repeat steps 1 to 3 in the installation section.
nxTools v0.9.9 (03-27-2005):
NEW: SITE BOT BW to view the site's current usage.
NEW: SITE NUKETOP [-max <limit>] [group] to view the top-nuked users.
NEW: The SITE DB CREATE command checks database schema versions.
CHG: All configuration files and extensions are loaded by init.itcl when the interpreter is initialized.
CHG: Cleaned up database opening and improved error messages.
CHG: Directory tags are safely removed, in case there are files inside.
CHG: Moved all functions into the ::nxTools namespace, and scripts into a child namespace.
CHG: Newdate area, pre check path, and rebuild path options are now defined in a Tcl list format.
CHG: Redesigned the nukes database; nukees are now stored in a separate table.
CHG: Renamed all .itcl extensions to .tcl, since iTcl is short for "incr Tcl".
CHG: SITE REQUESTS to view requests, instead of "SITE REQUEST" with no parameters.
CHG: The original nukes database records are updated when releases are unnuked and re-nuked.
FIX: Approved releases that already exist were also added to the approve list.
FIX: Pre areas weren't listed on SITE PRE HELP.
FIX: The security check on SITE UNDUPE was not working properly.