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Old 04-21-2005, 08:22 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 4
Exclamation ioA error... maybe a bug?

Hi, i'm using this script on a lot of sites, whitout any problem, but on one site i'm receiving a strange error (mp3 site).

whit the ftp client: Nuking: Va_-_XXXXXX-2005-XXXXX- incomplete.after.31.minutes |
[R] 200-| - Unable to nuke the the release, check nxError.log for details. |

I check the log an I see this:

04-21-2005 14:57:40 - AutoNuke : ioA Output:
site nuke <dirname> <multiplier> <reason>
child process exited abnormally

is that normal? It looks like the script is using a bad syntax whit IoA. I'm using ioA 2.0.2, the most recent one.
That's the configuration i'm using...

set anuke(Sections) {
"/Mp3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 5 10 20}
{incomplete {Not Used} 5 50 60}
"/Mp3/%m%d" -1 {
{empty {Not Used} 5 10 20}
{incomplete {Not Used} 5 50 60}

I already checked the ioA path, the vfs ecc. ecc.... that's strange because I'm using the same config on other sites and it's working perfectly... May you help me?
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