Everything seems to work fine, but I too am getting these errors while using nxAutoNuke/ioA 2.0.1B and ioBv20.
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadScript : unable to source "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": couldn't read file "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": no such file or directory
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "mysqltcl.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "tclsqlite3.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
I am not clear as to what the fix for this is.
Thanks for any help.