Is this the correct auto nuke template for phppsio`s mp3 tags:
set anuke(MP3Match) {^\[.*\] - \( .* - COMPLETE - (.+) (\d+) \) - \[.*\]$}
set anuke(MP3Order) {genre year}
The tag looks like this:
[PaRaNoiD] - ( 120M 10F - COMPLETE - Psychadelic 2005 ) - [PaRaNoiD]
My autonuke config for the mp3 section is as follows:
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 60 120}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 60 120}
{mp3 {Genre:*Blues* Genre:*Classic Rock* Genre:*Country* year:198[8-9] year:199[0-9] year:200[0-5]} 5 10 60}
At the moment it`s not nuking the mp3 with the banned genres but havnt tested the years either.