Hello of people is that normally nxAutoNuke things 2 times nuken does?
<Lamestbot> [DVDR] + NUKE: DVDR/lolololo-test was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: maximum.of.1.disks - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [DVDR] + NUKE: DVDR/[Nuked]-lolololo-test was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: maximum.of.1.disks - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [XXX] + NUKE: XXX/[Nuked]-noch.nen.test.von.mir-Ohne was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: not.allowed.grp - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [XXX] + NUKE: XXX/[Nuked]-[Nuked]-noch.nen.test.von.mir-Test was nuked 3x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: not.allowed.grp - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).
<Lamestbot> [XXX] + NUKE: XXX/[Nuked]-[Nuked]-[Nuked]-noch.nen.test.von.mir-Test was nuked 5x von sitebot/Sitebot - Reason: banned.release.-TEST - Nukees:ioFTPD-Noop (50.00mb).