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Old 01-29-2005, 10:27 AM  
Too much time...
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430

Read the rules.
If you are using ioFTPD 5.8.5r and ioBanana v20, please update your board profile.

Also avoid pasting 5 pages of text without being specifically asked to. Most of it will be (and is) irrelevant anyway. In fact, the only interesting thing coming from your configuration files in this case is the "masters=" line of your ioBanana.ini.
You can't imagine how boring it is to go through all this text without a good reason. We can (and tend to) ignore aggressive posts or posts that look like spam. In the best case (for you that is), we try to help but skip the reading of the pasted configuration files.
Harm is offline