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Old 12-25-2004, 01:53 PM  
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 30

ok. have changed dzsbot.tcl like this:

proc basicreplace {strin section} {
#putlog "proc basicreplace"
global sitename
set output [replacevar $strin "%sitename" $sitename]
set output [replacevar $output "%bold" "\002"]
set output [replacevar $output "%color" "\003"]
set output [replacevar $output "%uline" "\037"]
set output [replacevar $output "%section" $section]
return "$output"
if { [string match $section "Stuff"] } { set section \00311$section\003 }
if { [string match $section "old stuff"] } { set section \00314$section\003 }
if { [string match $section "text"] } { set section \00313$section\003 }
set output [replacevar "$output" "%section" "$section"]
return "$output"

But got NEWDIR announces in white, for any sections.

How should I change the NEWDIR command?
set announce(NEWDIR) "\..::%boldNew in %section%bold\::..

Have tried with %color but doesnt work.
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