Originally posted by Beastlee
Example vfs :
"E:\Default" /
"G:\MP3s" /Media/MP3s
"I:\MP3s" /Media/MP3s
On the E: drive I have a structure that follows "E:\Default\Media\MP3s"
By adding in the other 2 virtual entries I get 2 instances of MP3s showing within the Media folder.
The duplicates comes from the fact that you have an explicit definition of /Media/MP3s and an implicit one (E:\Default\Media\MP3s).
To fix, simply move E:\Default\Media\MP3s outside the root (E:\Default) and mount it explicitely, like so:
"E:\Default" /
"E:\MP3s" /Media/MP3s
"G:\MP3s" /Media/MP3s
"I:\MP3s" /Media/MP3s