Originally posted by esmandil
I never tried 
But simply changing
OnNewDir = %EXEC ..\scripts\esmNewdir\run.bat OnNewDir %[$user]
stor = %EXEC ..\scripts\esmNewdir\run.bat OnNewDir %[$user]
might work... or maybe not, depending if ioftpd gives the same parameters to "OnNewDir" and to "stor".
well why don't you test it next time?
this is the output:
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 00-a_perfect_circle-thirteenth_step-covers-2003-ube.jpg.
Param 0 = ..\scripts\checkscript.exe
Param 1 = STOR
Param 2 = 00-a_perfect_circle-thirteenth_step-covers-2003-ube.jpg
not sure if it matches your script