qba: You can only use that cookie with ioBanana v20. If you are a registered user, please update your board profile.
Quincy: Let's rephrase. You don't need more than one line to define $announce(NEWDIR) or any other $announce variable.
Every time you add a line starting with "set announce(NEWDIR)", you define the $announce(NEWDIR) variable. Since there's only one variable with this name, this means previous lines are finally ignored.
The only line you need with set announce(NEWDIR) is:
set announce(NEWDIR) "\[[c]%scolor[b]%section[b][c]\] + New: %path/[b]%release[b] by [b]%user[b]/%group"
The same goes for all other announces. You only have to add [c]%scolor and [c] to the existing announces and that isn't a huge job.