Have modified ioBanana.tcl in this way:
# Default color for irc announces
set ioBvar(color1) 3
# Per section colors
set color(stuff) 15
set color(txtfiles) 11
set color(pics) 4
and the skin like this:
set announce(NEWDIR) "\[[c]%scolor stuff [c]\] + New: %path/[b]%release[b] by [b]%user[b]/%group."
set announce(NEWDIR) "\[[c]%scolor txtfiles [c]\] + New: %path/[b]%release[b] by [b]%user[b]/%group."
set announce(NEWDIR) "\[[c]%scolor pics [c]\] + New: %path/[b]%release[b] by [b]%user[b]/%group."
It gives different colors according to those set in ioBanana.tcl but on chan it announces the same directory (lets say txtfiles) whatever the section in which ur creating a new dir.
Feel thats not the way to modify the skin...