[02:58:12] [R] site user
[02:58:12] [R] 200-.--------------------------------[User Info]----------------------------------.
[02:58:12] [R] 200-| |
[02:58:12] [R] 200-| Login: Zazzle Group: Dolls |
[02:58:12] [R] 200-| Unfo : Im is cool! Flags: 3 |
[02:58:02] [R] site change test groupvfsfile ..\vfs\patate.vfs
[02:58:02] [R] 500 groupvfsfile: Permission denied.
You ini should have [Change_Permissions], not [Change-Permissions]
This is mentioned in the upgrade thread, and probably in other forum posts.
You upgraded your .exe, but didn't change your .ini accordingly... Thus the security breach on your FTP.