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Old 11-28-2004, 06:14 PM  
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 37
Default annoying newday problem

Been having this since, i think i upgraded to the latest ioA.


Use_Local_Time_Instead_of_UTC = 0

ioftpd.ini scheduler

Everyday = 0 23 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE
Dailycreds = 0 23 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe WEEKLYSET
Searchlog = 0 23 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe SEARCHLOGCREATE


11-29-2004 00:00:47 ioA - 1.2.0
11-29-2004 00:00:47 WEEKLYSET - Running Weeklyset
11-29-2004 00:00:47 ioA - 1.2.0
11-29-2004 00:00:47 NEWDATE - UTC time now: 11282004-23:00:47
11-29-2004 00:00:47 NEWDATE - Local time now: 11292004-00:00:47
11-29-2004 00:00:47 ioA - 1.2.0
11-29-2004 00:00:47 SEARCHLOG - Searching to store data
11-29-2004 00:00:47 WEEKLYSET - !change user STATS section 0 credits 1337
11-29-2004 00:00:47 NEWDATE - !vfs:chattr 1 "Y:\FTP\today-mp3" "/upload/11-28"
11-29-2004 00:00:47 NEWDATE - Logged: "upload" "/upload/11-28" "new_daydir" "Z:\03 _ Upload\11-28"
11-29-2004 00:00:47 NEWDATE - UTC time now: 11282004-23:00:47
11-29-2004 00:00:47 NEWDATE - Local time now: 11292004-00:00:47
11-29-2004 00:00:47 NEWDATE - !vfs:chattr 1 "Y:\FTP\yesterday-mp3" "/upload/11-27"
11-29-2004 00:00:47 BENCHMARK - Time to run command: NEWDATE was 50ms
11-29-2004 00:00:47 BENCHMARK - Time to run command: WEEKLYSET was 60ms

Before in ioFTPD.ini the scheduler was set at 0 22 * * and it worked fine, made new dirs exactly at midnight.

Now i changed to 0 23 * *, it seems to run again at midnight but it keeps linking the older folders and doesnt create a new one.

Have tried several new and modified settings but haven't found a right combination. What am i doing wrong here? Thanks for help..
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