8 Zettabyte barrier for credits
K, let's say some user have 0 b in credits
SITE CHANGE USER CREDITS +9223372000000000000
Site reports : Credits: 9007199218750000MB
Now reset it to 0 b again
SITE CHANGE USER CREDITS +9223373000000000000
Site reports : Credits: -9007198314169484MB
Not talking about all those scripts that reports credits to IRC...
9007199218750000 Megabyte
8796092987060.546875 Gigabyte
8589934557.6763153076171875 Terrabyte
8388607.9664807766675949096679688 Pettabyte
8191.9999672663834644481539726257 Exabyte
7.9999999680335776020001503638923 Zettabyte